Thursday, March 18, 2010

Obama administration unveils 'Cash for Codgers' program; aims to save billions on Medicare and Medicaid payments

As part of the federal government's efforts to rein in health care spending, the Department of Health and Human Services has instituted a generous offer to all U.S. citizens. It will pay you cold, hard cash for any seniors in your family who are 65-years old and over. Said seniors will be dispensed with humanely, in accordance with the recommendations of Ezekiel "Doctor Death" Emanuel.

In these tough economic times, what's better than solving the entitlement crisis and addressing senior health care issues -- simultaneously? It very well could be the final solution to the fiscal challenges of government-run health care.


  1. That means I have 6 months to live. On the upside - I don't have any children, so I may get to live...

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    OK, I'm 59, disabled, and recently widowed. Would they give me the money up front if I promised to surrender myself when it was gone?
