Sunday, April 15, 2018

Larwyn's Linx: IG First Release – Chris Farrell: “I don’t think the FBI recovers from this”

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IG First Release – Chris Farrell: “I don’t think the FBI recovers from this”: CTH
Fact Check: Yes, Comey is a Slimeball: Daniel Greenfield
IG report: FBI’s Andrew McCabe ‘admonished’ other officials for his own leaks: LU

Bombshell in McCabe IG Report No One Is Talking About: Sara Noble
New poll: Mueller’s actions against Michael Cohen are beginning to backfire: Chris Enloe
FISA unmasking: Look for this development over the next few weeks: CTH

James Comey faces threat of clampdown as book tour looms large: Daniel Chaitin
Lordy: Michael Cohen kept tapes?: Hot Air
Mueller is irrelevant: Don Surber

An Open Letter to my Fellow American Jews: RPJ
Delusions of Collusion Week at Legal Insurrection: LI
California DMV allows illegals to vote: GOP chairman: Julia Limitone


A $76,000 Monthly Pension: Why States and Cities Are Short on Cash: NYT
Orlando School to Host Syrian Sheik Who Called For Gays and Jews to Be Killed: Creeping
Catholic bishops’ support for AFSCME in SCOTUS case makes little legal or moral sense: Steven Malanga

Scandal Central

Comey gave Hillary a pass on emails because he thought she would win: Monica Showalter
Indict McCabe: Don Surber
Court Filing Reveals Feds Had ‘Covert Wiretaps’ On Michael Cohen’s Email: WZ

Climate, Energy & Regulations

The Al Gore Effect Comes to Minnesota: John Hinderaker


Richard Who? Most Libby Pardon Coverage Fails to Mention Original Plamegate Leaker: Tom Blumer
Comey Book Confirms Hillary Was Under Criminal Investigation Despite Her Lies To The Contrary: Carl Arbogast
The New Yorker Goes Peak Retrograde Immorality: @NewYorker

Backpage CEO, Corporate Entities Enter Guilty Pleas: DOJ
Comey's Hubris Will Be His Demise: Kevin McCullough
James Comey Is Hurting The FBI: Caleb Howe


Justin Amash Tries to Mislead You: Thomas Wictor
While Alex Jones and Michael Savage are filling their diapers...: Thomas Wictor
Nikki Haley Reads Russia The Riot Act As Their UN Security Council Stunt Fails: RS

Trump’s Tomahawk Diplomacy in Syria: James Jay Carafano
Iran Threatens to Restart Nuke Enrichment Program in Matter of Days: Adam Kredo
Satellite photos show Syrian site flattened after US-led strikes: Times of Israel

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

6 Surprising Ways Consumers Are Using Cryptocurrencies: Geoff Williams
Drug Use Is Detectable on Your Fingerprints - The Atlantic: Rod McCullom
Rushed Amazon warehouse staff pee into bottles as they’re afraid of ‘time-wasting’: Chris Pollard


Rise and Shine: MOTUS
Choo Choo Catharsis: C&S
Today's Memo: Sondrakistan

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Good catch, missed that.
