Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Rod Rosenstein’s devastating admissions

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Gray Trump-Pence Hoodie
Rod Rosenstein’s devastating admissions: Charles Lipson
18 murders in 24 hours: Inside the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago: Sun-Times
Congressional Democrats grapple with police defunding efforts: Susan Ferrechio

Not-So-Retiring Retired Military Leaders: Victor Davis Hanson
General Mattis Is Wrong: Jeffrey Lord
The Four Horsemen of America's Apocalypse: Dennis Prager

Nation's Top Democrats, Including Pelosi, Schumer, ‘Take a Knee’ Inside US Capitol: Hannity
LA Rabbi: Black Lives Matter Pogrom Was Like Kristalnacht: Daniel Greenfield
State Police informed of Phil Murphy’s social distance violations: SaveJersey

What the Democrats Did Today Was Political Blackface: Kira Davis
Extreme Cringe – Speaker Nancy Pelosi Unites The New Black Pander Party: CTH
Minneapolis City Council president: 'The goal' is a 'police-free future': Madison Dibble


Democrat Cities: Fourth-World Scourges: Rich Logis
Gov. Newsom to close 200-person veteran’s home after funding handouts to illegal aliens: BPR
Manufacturer leaving Minneapolis after facility burned during riots: Exam

Scandal Central

Obama Used National Security to Spy on Americans Opposed to Islamic Terrorists: Daniel Greenfield
The Window Closed: CTH
Oral Arguments in Gen. Flynn Case on Friday — An Introduction to What’s Ahead: RS


Another Man Done Gone: Scott Johnson
‘It Isn’t Hate to Speak the Truth’: J.K. Rowling Bravely Defies Political Correctness: Katrina Trinko
Kayleigh McEnany Tears Into Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon on Riot Gaslighting: RS


China demands proof from US senator for COVID-19 accusation: THT
North Korea cuts all lines and links to the South: Andrew Salmon
Brazil pulls all coronavirus stats, then releases incompatible numbers: John Timmer

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Coronavirus hospitalization rates rise in some key states: Cassidy Morrison
The WHO Throws a Wrench In What We All Thought About the Coronavirus: Beth Baumann
Former NASA astronaut becomes first woman to reach Earth's deepest point: Jackson Ryan


D.C. Mayor Announces Sweeping Renovations: Ivan Betinov
Scott Adams Interviewed: BattleSwarm
Is There Anything You CAN’T Put In A Taco?: MOTUS


1 comment:

creeper said...

Thank you for the Lipson piece, Doug. Finally...some clarity through the haze.