Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Brown vs. Coakley, Liberty vs. Tyranny

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Brown vs. Coakley, Liberty vs. Tyranny: PJM (Blumer)
Here we go: Dems to ping-pong ObamaCare bill: Hot Air
Ballot integrity worker blocked by Coakley thugs: Founding

Liberalism is Dead: AT (Lewis)
"Our nation's health care crisis... is a crisis of culture": Wizbang
Panther politics: Obama interference derails Justice?: Times

Double Down: Obama Plans 'Combative' Response: Belmont
Federal health care foes plot for state opt-outs: Times
'It Was the Hindenburg Crashing Into the Titanic' : JWF

Old GOP Doesn’t ‘Get’ Tea Parties: RWN
Oh Noes! Epic Kerry Rally Will Help Coakley: iOTW


Can Doctors Afford To Stay In Medicare?: RWN
Fixing the Financial System: The Fix is In :AT
Hope and Change?: BlogProf

Liberal Professors: A Type-Casted Profession?: RWN
Bay State's Blue State Blue-Collar Blues: CFB

Climate & Energy

IPCC Will Retract Report of Himalayan Glaciers Melting By 2035 If They Haven’t Melted By Then: Powers


If It’s Close In Massachusetts, Expect ACORN To Lead Vote Fraud Effort: NewsReal
Your Tears Are Delicious, Mmm, Mmm. :Ace
CNN Calls Scott Brown ‘Insurgent’. Seriously.: iOTW

In Other Words, He’s Perfectly Qualified To Work At MSNBC: Driscoll
Cavuto Slams Obama For Attacking Scott Brown & GM Truck Owners: GWP
They Are All Marcia(sic) Coakley, Now: Riehl

A Tale of Two Walters: InstaPundit
Question of the Week: President's first year in office: Sheboygan Press
"James Cameron Hearts Ecoterrorists": Proof

Frustration, Anger, and the Party Line: GoV


The Superman Complex: With Haiti Aid, Even a Superpower Can’t Move Mountains: PJM
Farewell to the London Mega-Mosque: GoV
Slow news day: ABC reports military Trijicon sights inscribed with secret 'Jesus' Bible codes : Jawa


FCC wades through Net neutrality comments: CNet
50 Things Successful People Have in Common: DewView
Calls to ditch Internet Explorer after China hacks: SMH


All we need is a name: Brigadier General McSoulpatchy: Cdr. Salamander
Keith Olbermann Special Commentary About Yesterday’s Lunch: Powers
Bookie pays off early, predicts Brown win: Times

1 comment:

  1. clay barham1:09 PM

    Let's simplify this. Obama said community interests are more important than are individual interests. It is which side you are on is right or left in the current way those terms are used. On the left, communalism reigns supreme, and the few elite rule the many, which is the oldest and dominate system in the world. On the right side, you believe in individual freedom to be a creative pebble dropper or nail sticking up on the boardwalk, where the many rule themselves, which is America and greater prosperity. No matter how many ways you describe each, there are only two sides. In America, it was the Jefferson and Madison side first, and now, under the rule of the Democrats, it is Rousseau and Marx. See Save Pebble Droppers & Prosperity on claysamerica.com.
