Thursday, September 16, 2004

Rafsanjani: Muslims should use Nukes against Israel

This 2001 article is worth re-reading in light of Iran's nearing completion of Nuclear warheads. And all the more reason that a John Kerry presidency should be avoided at all costs. Equivocation, indecision and waffling are not the traits one wants for the leader of the free world in this, the nuclear age of terror.

One of Iran’s most influential ruling cleric[s] called Friday on the Muslim states to use nuclear weapon against Israel, assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them "damages only"...

"Jews shall expect to be once again scattered and wandering around the globe the day when this appendix is extracted from the region and the Muslim world", Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani warned, blaming on the United States and Britain the "creation of the fabricated entity" in the heart of Arab and Muslim world...

Rafsanjani says Muslims should use Nuclear Weapon against Israel

Ayatollahs and Mullahs for Kerry

Want to vote with the Mullahs and Ayatollahs? Then vote for John Kerry!

And so, the rhetoric in the Arab world is heating up, pointing to a real desire to see the US president go down in defeat... Cairo University’s Prof. Hassan Nafaa. Bush, he wrote, is a “wild eyed zealot” and an “evil fanatic”, one whose “departure from the Oval Office will mark the beginning of the decline of the forces of extremism and the rise of the forces of moderation.”

...Yasser Arafat [is] said to be among those who is rooting for a Democratic victory. “Arafat is waiting for November in the hope that George Bush will lose the election to John Kerry," Israel’s military intelligence chief Maj.Gen. Aharon Ze'evi Farkash told a cabinet meeting just over a month ago...

...[The] Tehran Times... was even more critical, comparing Bush and his neo-conservative advisers to “neo-Nazis” who have created a “stinking heap of a mess” throughout the world. “Kerry,” the paper asserts, “is exactly what the US needs right now."

...Why, after all, would Yasser Arafat, Bashar Assad and the Ayatollahs want to see Kerry elected, if they didn’t have good reason to believe that he would go soft on terror?...

Ayatollahs for Kerry

Report: Israel's 'first strike' plan against Iran ready

Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John KerryI missed this article the first time around (July 2004), but it is worth considering in context with the previous two articles. Consider these first three articles a "trifecta": the exact reasons why John Kerry is the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Israel has completed military rehearsals for a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear power facility at Bushehr, Israeli officials told the London-based Sunday Times...

...An Israeli defense source in Tel Aviv, who confirmed that the military rehearsals had taken place, told the paper: "Israel will on no account permit Iranian reactors - especially the one being built in Bushehr with Russian help - to go critical."

The source was also quoted as saying that any strike on the Gulf coast facility at Bushehr would probably be carried out by long-range F-15I jets, overflying Turkey, with simultaneous operations by commandos on the ground...

Report: Israel's 'first strike' plan against Iran ready

Beldar on Rathergate: Dan Rather was complicit

Dan Rather was complicit in defrauding the American public in an attempt to defeat a sitting President. Rather must be fired now. Congress should subpoena CBS News' lawyers and all documentation of their advice.

...CBS, through its affiliates' licenses to use broadcast frequencies that belong to the public, is a repository of the public trust. Its employees, acting within the course and scope of their actual and apparent authority, have deliberately and knowingly abused that trust for the most venal of motives — motives that are antithetical to the function of the press in a free and democratic society.

If Dan Rather is still an employee of CBS News by next Monday, then the appropriate committees of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate should convene public joint investigative hearings immediately, with Dan Rather as their second subpoenaed witness...

Dan Rather was complicit in defrauding the American public

A little Protein Wisdom

"If they were done in Word™, your defense is absurd."

Commission on Presidential Debates: Remove CBS

Think the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) will act quickly in regards to a request to remove CBS employees from the list of moderators? Check the list of honorary chairmen. That should clue you in to their reaction time.

What you can do to get Dan Rather fired

Palestinian "Toys" Injure 10 Children

Ten Palestinian children were wounded, three seriously, when an explosive device they were playing with blew up in the Jelazoun refugee camp north of Ramallah Wednesday night... Security officials did not rule out the possibility that a makeshift bomb prepared by Palestinian terrorists exploded prematurely wounding the children.

10 Palestinian children wounded in bomb explosion

Ridding the US of Islamofascism

T has an idea for ridding the US of Islamofascists. His plan involves sensitive monitoring equipment in Mosques (listening for sedition), an "apprehension" team, an AC-130H Spectre, and plenty of pigs' blood. Suffice it to say that T won't be nominated for a post with the diplomatic corps any time soon.

World Peace, Part Deux

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