Monday, December 03, 2007

"Hi. My name is John Edwards. And I'm a Communist."

Breaking 12/18/07: Who does a "John Edwards' Love Child Scandal" Benefit?

Ian Schwartz links us to the latest John Edwards commercial.

We don't have universal health care because of the drug companies and the insurance companies and their lobbyists in Washington, DC. And everyone who argues that every American is not entitled to [free] healthcare, I want them to explain to you what child in this country is not worthy of health care?

You're gonna sit at a table with drug companies and oil companies and they're going to give away their power. Right. You have to take their power away from them. There is nothing we can't do if we do it together.

What the oil companies have to do with socialized medicine, I have yet to ascertain.

In any case, nationalizing health care has worked out really, really well in the UK. Oh, except for those prostate cancer rates. And dental care. And women in childbirth. And so on. Et cetera.

Oh, and John, there are these teensy, weensy little programs called Medicaid and SCHIP that ensure children of lower-income Americans have access to health care. They're such small budget items -- and you've been out of the Senate so long -- you probably forgot about them.

As for nationalizing the petroleum industry? Johnny, you appear to be channeling Jimmy Carter. Or perhaps Carter's illicit love-child, Hugo Chavez.

I know Communism didn't work out very well over the last century, but it'd be a real shame to give up on it so soon.

Hat tip: The Astute Bloggers

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