Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Google Adds Real-Time Twitter Updates to Search Results

Well, this is interesting. Google appears to have added real-time Twitter messages into its standard search results.

Click to Zoomify

You can also choose Updates as a channel like News, Blogs, Groups, and such.

It's an interesting development, to be sure, and that also highlights the importance of Twitter as a platform.

As an aside, is anyone else seeing this search behavior -- or am I a one-off, as usual?


  1. I am seeing it too but I had to put some effort in to find it.

    I clicked to open the filter as you showed and clicked Updates. This brought up the latest Twitter Updates for my search. But it was kind of flaky after that.

    In case, I do agree that this is a landmark event for the real-time web. Companies will be compelled to use products like to leverage real-time search and create and measure their social marketing campaigns.

  2. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Dear Author !
    I am sorry, that I can help nothing. I hope, you will be helped here by others.
