Sunday, December 27, 2009

Iran: Basiji Prisoner Lorry Stopped, Protesters Inside Freed

Moments ago, a video from Tehran, Iran was uploaded to YouTube.

In it, a Basiji (Iranian militia) lorry transporting prisoners is stopped, its windshield smashed, the doors ripped open, its officers assaulted and the prisoners freed.

Hopefully the Obama administration will issue a statement in the next few weeks, after Hawaii's golfing season winds down.

Regardless of the feckless administration, "this day will be long remembered."


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The Iranian protestors need to get hold of the weapons in tactical attacks then start using them. To win this against the moolahs, they have to storm armed into the streets and fight like there is no tomorrow. The Hitler of Iran, Achmadinjahd (or however you spell his stupid name) did it, why not these patriots?!

  2. the problem of iranian protestors is that they are not strong enough, not organazied enough and short of weapons...

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    God help us. The US government is being run by idiots.

  4. If there was this much hatred for the regime 5 years ago, we could have engineered a coup with three guys and a ham sandwich.
    We still could, if the ham sandwich weren't failing to run the country.

  5. Anonymous7:41 PM

    So can anyone smuggle guns to them? Or donate $ for them to hire some mercenaries to help them fight?

  6. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Where are their Muslim "brothers?" Why aren't any coming to their aid?
