Monday, March 15, 2010

Sources: "Budget Committee is all smoke and mirrors" -- Slaughter Solution Will Be Used "Likely Wednesday"

Operative 'Deep Tort' sent us this update at 5:31pm from his sources inside the House. This information jibes with late-breaking reports that Pelosi has several options on the table.

I am still hearing the scenario I circulated earlier (listed below as Scenario 2, "Slaughter Solution 1") is the most likely. But here are the 5 possible scenarios for moving health care through the House.

Senate Bill (Senate Amendment to H.R. 3950)
Reconciliation "Sidecar" (yet to be reported by Budget Committee
Scenario 1: "Play it Straight" Rule provides for an up or down vote Rule provides for an up or down vote
Scenario 2: "Slaughter Solution 1" Rule "deems" the Senate bill passed immediately and sends the bill to the President Rule provides for an up or down vote
Scenario 3: "Slaughter Solution 2"
Rule "deems" the Senate bill passed upon House adoption of reconciliation sidecar Rule provides for an up or down vote
Scenario 4: "Slaughter Solution 3" Rule "deems" the Senate bill passed when the Senate passes the reconciliation sidecar Rule provides for an up or down vote
Scenario 5: "The Double Whammy"
Rule #2 "deems the Senate bill passed immediately and sends the bill to the resident Rule #1 allows the Rules Committee to turn off the motion to recommit Rule #2 "deems" the sidecar bill passed immediately and sends the bill to the Senate

Later (6:30pm ET):

The budget committee is all smoke and mirrors. They are required to pass out a budget reconciliation bill in order to start the process. They just dressed up an old version of the House bill in reconciliation clothes so Pelosi and the rules committee have a vehicle they can completely amend with their own reconciliation instructions.

Likely Wednesday, the rules committee will report a rule which essentially does 3 things. 1) sets the time for debate; 2) makes 1 substitute amendment in order; and 3) deems the Senate bill passed.

The House will proceed on 3 votes on health care.

1) approval of the rule (this will be the big vote since it passes the Senate bill by default)
2) approval of the leadership/rules Amendment in the nature of the substitute (strip the budget committee text with the leadership text)
3) final passage

Thoughts appreciated.

Fourteen Months of Hell: A Brief, Illustrated History of the Ill-Fated Democrat Health Care Nationalization Efforts of 2009-10
The 'Slaughter Solution' -- the Legislative Equivalent of Martial Law


  1. My thoughts are that all five scenarios are positively disgusting and worthy of impeachment of anyone who votes for this unconstitutional crap in violation of their oath of office.

  2. Though I agree with Jim, all are disgusting, I am inclined to think number 2 most likely. When Gibbs et al get on the news and boast it will be the law of the land within a week they intend to have a signing ceremony to nail down that point. They have to be planning on sending a bill directly to the POTUS.

  3. Everyone that votes for this should know that they are taking this country in a very dangerous direction. What is done once can and will be done again. The Constitution itself will not matter anymore. Those that vote aye must be removed from office; at the ballot box if possible, by referendum if that does not work, by any means necessary if the first two fail.

  4. If this creature waddles out of the House without a floor vote and onto Obama's signing table, then let a hundred recall petitions bloom. And sign me up.
