Monday, June 21, 2010

Recognize any of these 'community organizers' from the Los Angeles Lakers' Celebration Riots? If so, the LAPD Would Like You to Email Them

If you recognize any of these fine, upstanding young community activists, the Los Angeles Police Department would like to hear from you. The aftermath of the Lakers' victory over the Celtics turned ugly with the usual spate of arson and mayhem.

Update: Shayne observes, "Those darn Teabaggers. I had no idea they were in Los Angeles!"


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Judging by the #24 on the jersey in one photo -- they are looking for a Mr. Kobe Bryant.

  2. Those darn Teabaggers. I had no idea they were in Los Angeles!

  3. You may wish to check your headline:

    Headline says: LAPD
    Red box says: LAFD
