Saturday, July 31, 2010

The 10 Dumbest Toys of All Time


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Dumbest??? Are you out of your mind?

    Okay, I won't vouch for all of them but I can clearly remember wanting the Armatron as a child. A robot arm that you can control? Come on!

    And while I'll admit that it's a little gender stereotyped, my three year old loves her cleaning cart.

  2. I *HAD* an Armatron as a child. Favorite toy evah! Don't be dissin' the Armatron. =P

  3. You guys are unbelievable! Armatron? Armatron?

    I had a Dick Tracy tommy gun, for heaven's sake!

    Armatron? You can't shoot anyone with an Armatron!!

  4. Hmm.. I guess I shouldn't mention the Captain Crunch bathrobe eh? I'll just saunter over to a lib blog now.. =P

  5. @SC - now that's some funny s*** right there

  6. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Yes, but the Armatron could probably pick up your Dick Track tommy gun and shoot someone with it.

    Which is cooler? Shooting someone with a tommy gun or using your robot arm to shoot someone with a tommy gun?

    Ah ha!

  7. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Dick Track = Dick Tracy

    The Armatron could probably type better than I can at 12:12am too.

  8. Doesn't the Chevy Volt count?

  9. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I understand 9 of them, but why on earth is Armatron a dumb toy?
    I would love to have one today.
