Monday, July 05, 2010

Who will step up and help me manufacture this breathtaking new product?

Now, if we can only bring it to market by November...


  1. Duncan Idaho9:24 PM

    Rail and rope optional I see.

    Some assemmbly required, instructions upon request, although history will provide such. Discount for bulk purchases, optional protection kit for citizens up to a crowd of 50.

    Available in original Texas Tea Tar or BP Brown Sugar Crude.

    Free shipping and handling.

  2. seagypsy10:15 PM

    Why would you NOT want to harm your congressman?

  3. I agree with you Seagypsy. I was all set to kick in some funding for this very worthy product until I saw that it would not result in permanent or even semi-permanent effects. This would be like writing the Bill of Rights in chalk. I want something that will have these jokers picking at tar and pulling out feathers from now until they achieve room temperature.

  4. Captain Obvious4:59 AM

    Liability, hilly billy boy. Lawyers put an effective end to government regulation by the people.

  5. 'Guaranteed not to permanantly harm'?

    That's weaksauce! I want actual tar and feathers. The kind that leaves scars when you scrape it off the congresscritter.
