Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Eric Holder's Outrage du jour: Will Sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio Next Week

Government Security News alerts us to Eric Holder's latest outrage. Rather than seal the southern border against an ongoing invasion of drug-smugglers, gun-runners, gang-members, criminals and other undocumented Democrats, the Justice Department will probably sue one of the best sheriffs in the country.

U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez warned attorneys for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) in Arizona, in a letter dated August 3, that unless Arpaio voluntarily cooperates by August 17 with an investigation by the Justice Department’s civil rights division into allegations that Arpaio’s office has engaged in “unlawful searches and seizures, discriminatory police conduct, and failure to provide basic services to individuals with limited English proficiency,” the Justice Dept. “will file a Title VI civil action to compel access to the requested documents, facilities and personnel.”

...the Perez letter says, “In order to avoid litigation, please provide a complete response to the First Request and an agreement to permit access to all pertinent MCSO facilities and personnel no later than August 17, 2010.”

...According to an article by Channing Turner in the independent, Washington-based news site Main Justice, attorney Robert Driscoll, of Alston & Bird, LLP, who represents Arpaio, has described the Justice Department’s threat to sue the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office as premature and has indicated that Arpaio will cooperate with certain elements of the probe.

But Driscoll also claimed that Arpaio had previously handed over thousands of documents in a lawsuit involving allegations that Arpaio’s deputies had racially profiled Hispanics, and that arguments contained in the Perez letter “conflated the legal boundaries between two separate and ongoing investigations.”

Millions of illegals have entered the country. The southern border is wide open. The American people, by a huge margin, want the border sealed before there's any talk of a path to citizenship "immigration reform".

But the Democrats refuse to secure the border. They refuse to protect the lives of American law enforcement officers. They refuse to stop known terrorists from entering the country. They defy their most important mission -- to protect Americans.

So why do we have Customs inspections at ports of entry?

Why do we have full-body scanners at airports?

And why do we have a Justice Department that insists on civil rights for illegal aliens, but not American voters intimidated by racists at polling places?

There is something deeply, deeply flawed (I almost used a different F-word) with the modern Democrat Party. And all of us had better take action in November.


  1. Steve In Tulsa8:22 PM

    It really isn't even about 'immigration' as much as it is about border hoppers who come here to kidnap, car jack, human traffic, drug running, gang fighting criminals who commit their crimes in the US while hiding and taking refuge in Mexico where our enforcement cannot go. It is about ending the violence.

    Damn screwy liberals who twist everything...

  2. Bones8:51 PM

    At some point we may see a force of a federal agency and a state agency will find themselves in an armed confrontation. If that one shot is fired..........
