Friday, August 13, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: The Destiny of a Free Nation

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. You can also install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget.


The Destiny of a Free Nation: Doc Zero
The Enumerated Powers Act: a Simple Test: AT
Figures: racist plant at rally was Obama campaign worker: GWP

14-year old shot in the back, killed by twice-deported illegal alien: WZ
The Weeping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth: Hanson
John Boehner's Testing Time: BigGovt


Democrats funding abortion with your tax dollars: RWN
$26.1B Union Bailout Went to States that Didn’t Need it: GWP
Pensions that exceed base pay: blame the unions: RWN

An Argentina-like Economic Crisis: AT
White House: Fight Racism--Hire Criminals and Deadbeats: Patterico
SEIU intimidation outside of Whitman fundraiser: BlogProf

Obama: Hiring teachers for empty classrooms: Surber
Issa: I.G. agrees: Stimulus signs are inappropriate: PJM
Democrats' Two Steps to Sink Small Businesses: Enzi

Climate & Energy

It Has Been Foretold: Roger Pielke Jr.
Boone Pickens’s Plan Full of Hot Air: Jeff Rubin
Spinning the Defeat of Cap-and-Trade: GloWarm


The Free Press / Public Knowledge Stylebook for Public Debate: MediaFreedom
Does Special Ed Own a Mirror?: Yardale
The Top Fifty U.S. Conservative Blogs In The United States: iOTW

How did the word 'Ponzi' get into the MSM?: Denninger
America's Slipping Grasp on Self-Governance: AT
George Will: Netanyahu, the anti-Obama: Solomonia


Everything you need to know about Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (Ground Zero Mosque Imam): GWP
U.S. Treasury Department Marketing 'Zakat': Atlas
'Turks hit PKK with chemical weapons': JPost

The Left vs. America at Ground Zero: JRubin
An Iranian Connection to the Cordoba House Ground Zero Mosque?: PJM
Irregular Crossings: AmSpec

Who can I turn to?: Belmont Club
Man Wearing Burqa Robs Bank…: WZ
The Internet: Avenue For Women Jihadi 'Participation': Eurasia Review


Android 'Voice Action' Launches: PC Mag
Digging History: The Latest Archaeology News: Fox News
Oracle sues Google over Android and Java: CNet


These are not desks: iOTW (Semi-SFW)
Jackie Evancho, 10-year old Opera Singer: YouTube
Israel Finds 2,200-Year-Old Gold Coin, Most Valuable Ever: Fox News

Pics of the Day: Babies Refusing to Make Eye Contact With Dear Leader…: WZ
Rooftop Tennis Inside the Queen City's Tiara: YouTube
Performance Reviews: Clowns to the Left of Me: MOTUS

Images: Weasel Zippers
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: J.D. Hayworth for U.S. Senate

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