Sunday, August 08, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Provisioning Sharpened Pikes at the Gates of D.C.

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. You can also install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget.


Provisioning Sharpened Pikes at the Gates of D.C.: AT
Obama's birther strategy has backfired: LegalIns
Hmmm: Illegal immigrant murders friend, drinks blood: TAB

Campaign Finance Reform. Or, as I like to call it: shut up.: RWN
Where do officials stand on the Ground Zero mosque?: Caller
For a preview of the the Ground Zero Mosque, see Virginia: McCarthy


No History of Racial Bias at CT Slaughterhouse: JWF
Medicare Actuary Doubts the Health of Medicare’s Trust Fund: Reason
Terrifying City Pension: Coming Soon to Your Hometown!: Reason

Palin fact-checks the fact-checkers on taxes: BlogProff
'Pro-business' Democrat: What's a P&L Statement?: DetNews
Democrat Jeff Greene and the Mortgage Meltdown: TampaBay

Obama Cripples Ford's Funding, Then Subsidizes It: AmSpec
O looks silly pushing job 'creation' myth: Post
1913 was a very bad year: AT

Climate & Energy

So Long to the Dustry Trail: AT


Gotcha! Salon's Justin Elliot, Feces Fondue: iOTW
Losing the Celebrity Edge: HillBuzz
Media Attacks Black Tea Party Conservatives at National Press Club: GWP

Krugman's Incredibly Sloppy Hack Job On Rep. Paul Ryan : Wolf
Obama: Not the Great Stone Face : Hanson
Hilarious: Washington Post Tumbles Over Worries On Stanley Kaplan Unit: Barron's

Conservatives Should Stand Up and Support John Kerry: RWN
Can We Dispense, Now, With The Myth That They Feel Our Pain?: RedState
A Rather Angry America: Hanson


Tolerance: Muslim Activists Celebrate Ground Zero Mosque by Executing 10 Christian Missionaries : JWF
Photos Confirm Lebanon Used American Weapons To Attack Israel: MereRhetoric
The "Unsaid Apology" To Japan -- and Japan's WWII Brutality They've Never Apologized For: Marooned

Poll: Islamic Center near Ground Zero?: No Quarter
Ground Zero Mosque Would Desecrate the Memory of 9/11 Victims: PJM
Sharia Law in Canada and Britain: AT

Will Holder investigate Obama pal for providing material support to Hamas?: AT
In Afghanistan we see an appalling and probably hopeless example of what a low IQ society looks like: STACLU


Hurd's double faults leave him out at HP: CNet
Playing Politics with Stem Cells: AT
The new RNC website is a dramatic improvement: RWN


Slick Times: C&S
Family Splatter: American Digest
Lady M Ends the Racist Reign in Spain : MOTUS

Image: Spotted at Instapundit
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Christine O'Donnell for U.S. Senate

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