Monday, August 09, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Stop the BigGovJobs bill; Christie & Daniels are Yin & Yang

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. You can also install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget.


Stop the BigGovJobs bill: Malkin
Obama on Immigration: Pamper Illegals, Endanger Americans: PJM
Sanctioning Infanticide As an Ends Justifying The Means: RWN

Obama's True Black Royalty: BlackSphere
Christie, Daniels: Yin, Yang of New GOP: Moran
Reid plays the religion card on Angle: AT


Krugman's detour on 'Roadmap' to sanity solvency : Ryan
Further thoughts on the higher education bubble: Reynolds
The $120 Lemonade Stand License: AnBlkCon

Bell CA's 'City Manager' didn't make $787K; He Got $1.5M a Year: Ace
The Golden State’s War on Itself: CityJournal
Death Panels: ObamaCare's Written Definition: AT

Climate & Energy

Chevy Volt: Fascism Strikes the Auto Industry: PJM
Uhm, no, it's probably not the hottest year: RWN
Sustainability: I guess it means fighting oppression and injustice: NAS


Fareed's Jihad: SheikYerMami
The Story of Your Enslavement: CBW
Why Obama Does Not Address Connecticut Shootings: Cashill

Bob Herbert: America Putting our Brains on Hold?: MagNote
Bulls***: not just for the GOP anymore: Afrocity
Detroit Free Press: DC is awesome for spending borrowed money on unsustainable state budgets, union perqs!: BlogProf


Is the U.S. really funding mosque construction?: AT
Daughter of Muslim 9-11 victim speaks out against Ground Zero mosque: Toldjah
Unionized ObamaCare in the UK: Surber

NY Imam Meets Potential Foreign Investors for Islamist Victory Mosque; State Department Paying For Trip: Ace
Muslim who paid 4.8 Million for Ground Zero Mosque building was waiter in 2002: RightScoop
Mosque Used by 9/11 Attackers Shut Down: Fox
Groups of Mexican federal police clash over corruption allegations: CNN

Beijing's Heavy Hand In Hong Kong: changes push democracy further from reach: Forbes
Women Sharia judges get equal powers to men: Maktoob
Bridegroom in Turkey accidentally kills relatives firing AK-47 in celebration at his own wedding: BBC


What Do You Owe Your Social Networking Pseudo-Friends?: RWN
Apple executive who oversaw development of the troubled iPhone 4 is leaving the company: BBC
Microsoft shows off prototype mobile phone: CNet


A Royal Flush: MOTUS
Target in the Crosshairs: Doswell
Mia Farrow: model Naomi Campbell said she got "large diamond" from ex-Liberian president Charles Taylor: BBC

Image: Spotted at Instapundit
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Had enough of Harry Reid? Support Sharron Angle for Senate

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