Sunday, August 01, 2010

More Racist Teabaggers: Black Support for Obama Drops 9 Points, Hispanic Support Drops 12 Points -- All In Just 4 Months

I wonder what the race-baiters at the NAACP will say when they see the latest support for President Obama among blacks and Hispanics.

Gallup’s latest weekly compilation of polling data on President Obama’s job approval rating shows him at 85 percent among black Americans, down from a 94 percent approval rating among blacks as recently as March. The 85 percent figure is also Obama’s lowest-ever as president among African-Americans...

...Obama’s approval rating among Hispanics in the latest poll, 52 percent, is also his lowest rating among that group in Gallup’s weekly measurement. He was in the low-to-mid 60’s earlier with Hispanics earlier this year...

...Overall, Obama’s weekly job rating is 45 percent approve, 47 percent disapprove, down from a 51 percent approve, 42 percent disapprove in February...

In related news, his approval rating among ministers named Farrakhan remains at 100%.

Pic: New Patriot Journal.


  1. Why would anyone approve?

  2. I'll believe the Mexican part, they work and own small businesses(that's why the blacks hate them). The best we can hope from blacks(give us free stuff and govt. jobs) is a low turnout.
