Monday, August 02, 2010

'Non-partisan' Democrat front group Media Matters tacitly approves of Oliver Stone's hate speech; racism just hunky dory for Obama backers

I've waited over a week for the so-called media watchdog site Media Matters to report upon Oliver Stone's recent hate speech. You may recall that Stone, an avowed Marxist who -- curiously -- enjoys living in the lap of Capitalist luxury, spouted off some unbelievably hateful invective to a UK newspaper.

Mr. Stone promised that his new series would put "in context" and "show empathy" for people many Americans hate, like Hitler and Stalin. In an interview with London's Daily Telegraph, Mr. Stone said that Jewish deaths during World War II had to be viewed "in proportion," since "Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people."

When asked why so much attention is paid to the Holocaust, Mr. Stone blamed "Jewish domination of the media." The Jewish lobby in the United States, he said, was "the most powerful lobby in Washington" and had "[expletive deleted] up United States foreign policy for years."

Media Matters' silence on this racist screed is indeed curious. Let an 18-year old intern at Fox News splice the wrong crowd shot into a news report or a talk radio commentator misattribute a quote from the Baron de Montesqueiu, and the Democrat front group breathlessly reacts with dozens of paragraphs dedicated to the falsity of conservatism, the Constitution and America's founding.

But we watch in wonderment as one of the Left's heroes espouses an appreciation for the misunderstood genius of genocidal barbarians -- and Media Matters clams up tighter than a Tokyo subway car at rush hour after Michael Moore waddles on board.

If Media Matters is non-partisan, then so is Keith Olbermann, since he cribs so many of the same stories from the DNC teleprompter.

Hopefully it won't be long 'til the IRS launches a much-deserved investigation into this front group's abuse of the taxpayer through its supposed 'non-partisan, non-profit' status and, accordingly, its byzantine sources of funding.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Doug... you silly, silly fool.

    Media Matters isn't "non-partisan." Their mission statement says it all: They are out to expose "conservative misinformation" in the media.

    They don't trouble themselves with liberal misinformation, or non-conservative "hate speech." That's not their bailiwick.

