Sunday, August 15, 2010

Photo Puzzle: Find Obama's Nutrition Czar

Note: I apologize, but I forgot exactly where I found this photo. Send me an email if you happen to know where it came from and I'll provide attribution.

Update: Ken advises me that Tammy Bruce supplied the photo (supposedly it's been 'shopped) and I probably saw it over at Vanderleun's joint.


  1. Thomas3:57 PM

    No supposedly about it. It's definitely been photoshopped.

  2. Hi .
    I could be wrong it looks like Spain !The Spanish queen,her daughter in law and the Nutrician expert in chief of the USA.

  3. Just look at halo around Meeshelle head. Nobody claimed it was real, just a juxtaposition of two European blue-bloods with an American buzzard.
