Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Priorities: Eric Holder Threatens Legal Action Against Sheriff Joe Arpaio While Illegal Alien, Freed Twice by Immigration, Kills Nun

Juxtapose the following two stories to illustrate the country's woes under Democrat leadership in microcosm.

1. Holder Threatens to Sue Arpaio

The Justice Department says an Arizona sheriff known for his efforts against illegal immigrants has refused to cooperate with a civil rights investigation and the department is threatening to sue... Since March 2009, the U.S. Justice Department has been investigating Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office in Phoenix for alleged discrimination and for unconstitutional searches and seizures. Arpaio says the inquiry is focused on his immigration efforts.

Rumor has it that Holder is upset that Arpaio has repeatedly interfered with the administration's efforts to increase the number of illegal aliens undocumented Democrats.

2. Illegal Immigrant Awaiting Deportation Charged With Killing Nun

The man charged in connection with the Sunday crash that took the life of a Bristow nun is an illegal alien who was out on bond awaiting a deportation hearing, police said Monday.

..."The despicable thing is that this criminal was … handed over to ICE twice, and released by ICE twice. He’s gone out an killed a nun. That’s a perfect example of what’s wrong with immigration enforcement in this country," said Stewart, who has drafted legislation for stricter illegal immigration laws statewide. "The blame is on representatives in Congress for being so flaccid on the issue, and they continue not to fund the deportation of illegal immigrants in this country."

While the administration pursues law enforcement for its efforts to protect American citizens, the invasion of illegals, drugs and arms continues unchecked, documented on film by a few brave patriots who tread where Eric Holder dares not.

When will Americans and Democrats (yes, I said it) demand that Obama and Holder enforce federal law?

Remember November.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:02 AM

    I think Holder is a racist and a bigot, and he's good at carrying water. He is giving aid and comfort to an enemy by banging on a Sheriff who has a contract on his life because he upholds the rule of law. Soetoro has got to go.
