Thursday, August 05, 2010

Rats now catapulting themselves off the SS Obama: administration's incoherent 'economic adviser' resigns

Christina Romer, President Obama's top economic adviser, just announced she's quitting.

Romer finally came to the conclusion that marketing the destruction of the economy as positive news was as inexplicable as a Treasury Secretary who cheats on his taxes.

Of course anyone who thought that any President would be more likely to listen to an academic, rather than a political handler (like Rahm) was always doomed to be mistaken.

We can't help but observe that the news comes out one night before the monthly job figures... It was part of her job to always write the post-release spin, and explain how a seemingly bad number was actually good.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Romer shoulda known better.

After all, how many freaking jobs did Saul Alinsky ever save or create?


  1. Brooklyn10:58 PM


    She sure did plenty of damage.

    This is one big mess.

    Obama - Reid - Pelosi disaster.

    Clinton - Carter Folly ON Steroids Indeed.

    Sinking all, like a massive DNC TITANIC.

  2. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I remember Christina Romer as a fine economist. The first few times I heard *this* Christina Romer I wanted to rush the stage and demand to know what she had done with the real Christina Romer.

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Rats jumping off a sinking ship.

    Maybe some of them are figuring out that Obama's oppressive policies don't work.

  4. There is little doubt that any credible academic would want to get out before the real crap hits the fan. If they leave now they may be able to retain some shred of credibility. Not so much if they hang around.
