Sunday, October 24, 2010

Open Thread: What Are Your Top Five Races to Watch?

I knew I'd forgotten something all these years. Open threads -- dammit!

Anyhow, what are your five most important races next Tuesday (pick from Senate, House, Gubernatorial)?

Bob Belvedere, Dr. John, Jim - PRS, Joan of Argghh!, John Ruberry, Juandos, Nahanni, Reliapundit and The Bad -- we want to hear from you. And of course we want to hear from everyone else as well. And by "we", I mean Cub Reporter Biff Spackle and I.

Image: FreedomWorks' DiverseTea Blog via iOwnTheWorld.


  1. 1) AK Sen
    2) NV Sen
    3) CO Sen
    4) KY Sen
    5) CA Sen

    KY better be a victory, but I threw it in just because Rand Paul will be the best Senator ever. Also love Joe Miller and Ken Buck. CA Sen is the longest shot on here, but it would be sweet to see Ma'am Boxer lose.

    Also looking forward to RINO Meg Whitman's defeat.

    As for your photo, I just put up a video with the same theme. I hope you'll share it if you like it.

  2. 1. Michigan's 15th District House race, where Dr. Rob Steele's union conservative Steeleworkers are working hard to unseat Congressman-for-life John Dingell.

    2. Michigan's 1st District House race, where republican Dr. Dan Benishek is seeking to replace retiring Democrat Bart Stupak.

    3. The epic battle of Sean Bielat's "David" vs. "Goliath" Barney Frank.

    4. The all important Secretary of State race in Michigan, where a George Soros-friendly Democrat Prof. Jocelyn Benson is locked in a dead heat with Tea Party-friendly Republican Ruth Johnson, who uncovered the "fake Tea Party" election fraud perpetrated by the Michigan Democrat Party and Prof. Benson's former employee!

    5. The Nevada Senate race, where Harry Reid will continue the Democrat's trend of Senate Majority Leader losses due to wildly unpopular votes on ObamaCare and FrankenDodd's "financial reform."

  3. I realized I forgot to post mine.

    1) NV Senate - taking out Harry Reid would be a huge blow
    2) MO House - booting Ike Skelton (Support Vicky Hartzler here), one of Pelosi's key handmaidens, would be immense
    3) OH Gov - there's a reason Biden and Obama have visited Ohio a gazillion times to defend the nutty Bob Strickland; as Ohio goes, so goes the nation
    4) PA Senate - the idea of replacing Arlen Lecter with a conservative? Awesome
    5) CA Gov - if Moonbeam gets elected again, it will be a sign that California really is a lost cause


  4. Anonymous3:20 PM

    CO-7(my home, Perlmutter is a union thug)
    CO Senate(Bennet is a joke coupled with our awesome
    candidate, Ken Buck)
    NV Senate(Reid is a disgrace and again our candidate is
    Teh Awesome)
    CO-4(This would make both Salazars GONE)
    DE Senate(OMGoodness, if Christine could pull that one
    out, it would send shockwaves across the country)

  5. PA - 7 (where I live) where the DemocRat got a faux Tea Party candidate on the ballot and finally admitted it this week saying he didn't see anything wrong with helping someone else get on the ballot. Go Pat Meehan;
    PA Senate - also where I live, Toomey is the real deal, Sestak is a psychopath I think;
    Michigan 15th district - been supporting Dr. Rob Steele for months & months;
    CO Senate - just started following/supporting Ken Buck about 6 weeks ago but really like this guy;
    And finally every other candidate I practically went broke supporting sending $15.00 at a time: Sean Beilat, Allen West, Marco Rubio, Sharron Angle, Star Parker, Joe Miller, Renee (can't remember her name but she's running against the "Who Are You" DemocRat", a couple of races recommended by Legal Insurrection, etc. etc.
    I am most saddened by Len Britton not having a shot against that other psychopath, Patrick Leahy. I know it's Vermont, but if there was going to be a year, this was it. I feel so sorry for native Vermonters having their state taken over by aging hippies.

  6. I am keenly interested in those races which are or have been deemed “unwinnable”.

    1. U.S. Senate, Florida: previously hammered for taking a “for-sure” win away from Charlie Crist, Marco Rubio appears poised to do what the CW couldn’t be done. This race serves as a clear example of why the Republican Party absolutely must put principle over politics – because they can win on principle, and because The People want their leaders to mean what they say and say what they mean.

    2. U.S. Senate, Delaware: currently hammered for taking a “for-sure” win away from Mike Castle, Christine O’Donnell has made a tremendous splash in the national conscience. Much like with Sarah Palin, the vitriolic left has been in full attack mode, which indicates to me that O’Donnell is a candidate of substance. If Delaware is the sure thing that leftists are making it out to be, then why is The Bearded Marxist spending any money at all for attack ads? Why did the President and Vice-President go there to stump for Coons if the race is a solid lock? If she doesn’t win, I guarantee it will be much closer than it is being made out to be.

    3. U.S. House of Representatives, Massachusetts 4th Congressional District: a repeat in The People’s Republic of Taxachusetts? It’s simply too good to pass up! First, the seat which had been defiled for decades by the murderer Tedward Kennedy goes to a Republican, and now Sean Bielat is making a strong case to send the male-prostitute-hiring Barney Frank packing (pardon the pun).

    4. U.S. Senate, California: in a state where even the conservatives are liberal, Carly Fiorina is strongly poised to change Babs Boxer’s title back to Ma’am.

    5. U.S. Senate, Nevada: while wanting to take nothing for granted, this one is probably the least likely to disappoint. Dingy Harry is most certainly finished, but it is the importance of the Senate Majority Leader being handed his hat which makes this race worth watching.

    Not to get ahead of myself, but I would also like to take this opportunity to shamelessly promote myself by reminding everyone to vote for The Bad and Angry McDougal, your candidates from the Intolerance Party, in 2012. Be sure to take our party platform with food – preferably bacon.

  7. @The_Bad - I'm sorry, but Angry McDougal -- much like Sarah Palin -- is a true pariah that has already doomed your chances at victory.

    For that reason alone, I am throwing my support in the primary to @CrankyKaplan.

  8. 1. Nevada Senate: If there’s a God in Heaven, Harry Reid will be sent packing on November 2nd.

    2. Connecticut 4: The prospect of seeing the detestable Barney Frank voted out of office makes me positively giddy.

    3. California Governor: If Californians give Jerry Brown another chance to be Governor, we’ll all get it in the neck when California goes belly up (as it surely will) and turns to the federal government for tax dollars seized from the people of the other 49 states.

    4. NJ 3: We are sickened by the actions of the democrat party in putting up a phony Tea Party plant to siphon off votes from John Runyan, Republican. The good news is that the latest polls show John Runyan outpacing John Adler, incumbent and Nancy Pelosi lackey.

    5. NJ 12 Rush Holt has been carrying Nancy Pelosi’s and The One’s water for long enough. We want to see Scott Sipprelle serve him with his walking papers.

  9. Politics in Idaho are fairly boring. And living in the Northern panhandle means you are sorrounded by uber-conservatives. You could shoot into a crowd of thousands and not hit a liberal.

    As a commenter on another blog, when referring to Idaho as the last remotely sane state said, "even the Democrats in Idaho are conservative", it means I am left to watching other crazy states for fun and popcorn eating.

    The only remotely interesting race here is Walt Minnick vs Raul Labrador (U.S. Congress - first district.) Minnick is the only Democrat ever to receive an endorsement from the Tea Party Express. He turned it down and now they're endorsing Labrador.

    For the rest?

    1. U.S. Senate, Delaware: Rooting for Christine...

    2. U.S. Senate, California: Boxer needs to go far, far away...

    3. U.S. Senate, NV: Reid needs to permanently return to Searchlight, garden spot of NV

  10. Believe what you want, Doug. The choice of Angry McDougal was the single best decision I have made.

  11. Off the top of my head I'd pick the following...

    1. Reid/Angle-A true test of the TEA party movement against the Democratic party/union/MSM troika of evil.

    2. Coons/O'Donnell-Another test of the TEA party against the Troika of evil with the added bonus of the Democrats losing a senate seat that they have placed special meaning on.

    3. Frank/Bielat-If Bwarney loses this or wins by a thin, voter fraud generated, margin it will scare the most radical part of the Democratic party.

    4. Giannoulias/Kirk-The Holy Seat of The Won. If that went to anyone other then someone annointed by the Chicago Democratic Party machine it would stunning. Not only would it be a psychological blow to the Democrats but also would indicate that perhaps the people of Illinois are finally getting fed up with the Chicago Democratic party machine.

    5. California governor race-Quite simply this election will determine whether or not California lives or dies. My guess is that it will choose to commit suicide and vote in Brown. If that occurs watch the stampede to the exits by anyone who still has an ounce of sanity, common sense and the concept of self preservation left in them-be they individuals or businesses.

    Some others to watch would be...

    The Texas governors race-The Democrats want Perry to lose badly and have pulled out all the stops in order to make him lose. Also, in that race we will see just how bad the ACORN instigated voter fraud is in Harris county. If you have not been following that story you should.

    The 8th Congressional District of California-Sure, Nazi Nancy will win there but by how big of a margin? If it is below 70% it will be a surprise.

  12. Good news! We're going to win 'em all. Just got back from dinner with the folks and my sister told me that she & her husband, entrenched lefties for 35 years, aren't gonna vote this year because as she put it "Why bother, the Republicans are going to win everything anyway." My husband & I remained emotionless throughout the meal, excused ourselves early, got into the car & whooped & hollered all the way home.

    This is big, I tell you, big.

  13. jeannebodine . . . I loved your last comment. Sure, it is just anecdotal evidence. But sometimes something like that truly tells the tale because it is an accurate reflection of the mood out there. I share the sense you have from known libs I've talked to recently as well.

    Jim - PRS two of yours are two of mine. I think there is a very good chance Jon Runyan and Scott Sipprelle are both headed to victory. In fact, because of the Democrat promotion of the phony Tea Party candidate (the bankrupt Mr. Peter DeStefano) the race has turned around and the last poll showed Runyan up a few points. He will win. I don't thing the folks in Burlington and Ocean county can stomach the Camden County dirty pool being played by Norcross.

    The Camden portion of the District is only 20%. That means Runyan wins!

    And in Mt. Holly in Burlington, this year there will not be anything like the turnout that there was for Obama in 2008.

    Meanwhile, in the NJ-12th, water-boy Holt is running scared. Scott Sipprelle was only down 5 points as of a little more than a full week ago, and closing.

    He is even making inroads into Mercer, of all places! The Trenton City Council President even endorsed him! And the Times of Trenton (normally a big lib paper) dressed Holt down back on September 9th for making misleading campaign claims against Sipprelle!

    And . . . hold your hat . . . there is even a poll showing the feisty Anna Little only down by ONE POINT in the 6th CD against Frank Pallone, who has called himself the father of ObamaCare. The poll shows her ahead among voters "certain" to vote.

    Three good possibilities in New Jersey! Are you kidding me?

    So, to "re-tweet" jeannebodine:

    "This IS big, I tell you, big."

  14. jeannebodine . . . I loved your last comment. Sure, it is just anecdotal evidence. But sometimes something like that truly tells the tale because it is an accurate reflection of the mood out there. I share the sense you have from known libs I've talked to recently as well.

    Jim - PRS two of yours are two of mine. I think there is a very good chance Jon Runyan and Scott Sipprelle are both headed to victory. In fact, because of the Democrat promotion of the phony Tea Party candidate (the bankrupt Mr. Peter DeStefano) the race has turned around and the last poll showed Runyan up a few points. He will win. I don't thing the folks in Burlington and Ocean county can stomach the Camden County dirty pool being played by Norcross.

    The Camden portion of the District is only 20%. That means Runyan wins!

    And in Mt. Holly in Burlington, this year there will not be anything like the turnout that there was for Obama in 2008.

    Meanwhile, in the NJ-12th, water-boy Holt is running scared. Scott Sipprelle was only down 5 points as of a little more than a full week ago, and closing.

    He is even making inroads into Mercer, of all places! The Trenton City Council President even endorsed him! And the Times of Trenton (normally a big lib paper) dressed Holt down back on September 9th for making misleading campaign claims against Sipprelle!

    And . . . hold your hat . . . there is even a poll showing the feisty Anna Little only down by ONE POINT in the 6th CD against Frank Pallone, who has called himself the father of ObamaCare. The poll shows her ahead among voters "certain" to vote.

    Three good possibilities in New Jersey! Are you kidding me?

    So, to "re-tweet" jeannebodine:

    "This IS big, I tell you, big."
