Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Well that's one way a Democrat can win an election: have the GOP challenger's name stricken from the ballot

MNehring reports that there may be some significant voting irregularities in Texas' 30th Congressional District involving none other than Eddie Bernice "The Scholarship Czarina" Johnson.

ALERT--it has been confirmed that in the Duncanville public library voting location, and maybe also at Cedar Hill locations, ONLY Eddie Bernice Johnson's name appears as a choice on the ballot for the US Rep race for District 30...

SO there is no way to vote for Stephen Broden at that location! PLEASE--do not vote any ballot that is missing Broden's name--go to a different location.

If any reader in Texas spots such a ballot, please email me a photo.

In the mean time, please support Stephen Broden for U.S. Congress. And help retire the scholarship scammer.


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM


    they will do anything to stay in power, taking us all for an ugly ride, while they own the DOJ today - Democrats probably are feeling free to increase the swindle.

    we must find a way, to end this folly.

  2. WHile I agree with your point, let me remind you of the need to protect the identity of whoever supplies you with that photo -- taking a picture inside a polling place (in particular inside a voting booth) is a violation of state law here in Texas.
