Tuesday, November 02, 2010

How Intrade Calls the Key Senate Races at 6:39pm ET

The latest from the InTrade prediction market has eight (8) Senate pickups for the GOP. Nevada voters: get the hell out and vote for Sharron Angle. Reid's hired hacks are pulling out all the stops. Send tidal wave after tidal wave of patriots to the polls to elect a Constitutional conservative and kick Harry Sleize out of office.

AK: Miller (R)
AR: Boozman (R) +1
CA: Boxer (D)
CO: Buck (R) + 1
CT: Blumenthal (D)
DE: Coons (D)
FL: Rubio (R)
IL: Kirk (R) +1
IN: Coats (R) +1
KY: Paul (R)
NV: Angle (R) +1 *
ND: Kirk (R) +1
PA: Toomey (R) +1
WA: Murray (D) *
WV: Manchin (D)
WI: Johnson (R) +1

* Within the margin of Democrat cheating.


  1. Anonymous8:51 PM


    So sad to see Delaware called already.

    What can one say?

    We tried to warn everyone, but to no avail. Giving away Seats to Democrats, especially Biden's old Seat, is utter folly. Now I will wager, Coons will sit there forever.

    If Miller loses in Alaska, or Angle stumbles in Nevada, one can only wonder about this TEA PARTY EXPRESS conception - as well as the Palin Franchise.

    By the way, wasn't Sarah Palin was supposed to go to Delaware to rally for O'Donnell?

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Hey, previous commenter, I like your posts here. It reminds me why I voted FOR the Tea Party and against maggots like you.
