Saturday, November 27, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Unintended, Yet Wholly Predictable, Consequences of Obamacare

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Unintended (but predictable) consequences of Obamacare: Patterico
Time Now to Reverse All That Liberalism Has Done: PJM
Americans Learning to Submit: AT

FBI foils bomb plot at Christmas tree lighting ceremony: GWP
Majority believes feds operating outside of Constitution: Zero Hedge
Not Everyone Dislikes the Patdowns: Pundette

California: Post-Turkey Musings: ProWis
The GOP and Race: AT
Repeal Amendment Gaining Strength: RSN


Sore Union Losers at Delta Air Lines: RedState
'Just who the hell do you think you people are?': Kimball
How Can Anyone Argue That American Finances Aren’t Terrible?: LP

Ending Tax Demagoguery: AT
GM: Speaking of Chutzpah: ProWis
In Rare Agreement with Krugman: Mish

Climate & Energy

More Revolting GM Volt News: RWN
Spain Learns That Solar Really, Really Needs Government Handouts: RWN
Gulf Oil Spill Response in Perspective: AT


Sleepwalking Through History: Driscoll
Israel Must Fear Tea Partiers, Or Something Like That: LegalIns
Muslims Honor Helen Thomas Some More: Moonbattery

Peggy Noonan - Obama Needs a Reality Assistant, But It's Not His Fault: Ace
'None Dare Call It Desperation': Driscoll
Obama - The Black Knight of socialized medicine: BlogProf


Questioning Conventional Wisdom on North Korea and China: ShrinkWrapped
“The Collapse Of Communism: The Untold Story”: NoisyRoom
Terrorism Experts Weigh In: What Kind of Attacks Might We Expect?: PJM

Blasphemy resolution passes U.N. committee: WZ
Radical London Islamist Protester Was $4 Million Crack Dealer: GWP
Let Us Not Forget the 2008 Terrorist Attack on Mumbai: Jawa

The History Channel Sucks at History: NewsReal
President Bush's Challenge to Great Britain: AT
Patriotic Pork in a Halal Hangout: GoV


The Seven Principles You Need to Know to Build a Great Social Product: TechCrunch
Verizon reignites ad wars with 4G claims: CNet
U.S. Government Seizes BitTorrent Search Engine Domain and More: TorrentFreak


Venom Spewers: SondraK
Black Friday Mob Tramples Shopper at North Buffalo Target Store: AmPower
2011 Miss TSA Calendar: C&S

London: Muslim Artist Making Money Off 7/7 Terrorist Attack: Jawa
Whooo Rrrr Uuuu?: SondraK
The World's First Rock & Roll Song: C&S

Image: Hell On Earth (TSA); iOwnTheWorld.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Right Network

QOTD: "It’s cute that they’re pretending that they’re not sure who elbowed him even though we all know who did it. You learned a lesson today the hard way, champ: When you drive the lane on Hillary, you come strong or don’t come at all." -- Allahpundit

1 comment:

  1. Old Fan12:21 PM


    I scream, you scream, Obama screams for Ice Cream!

    So, we find out when North Korea is waging war against South Korea, Obama on the day after Thanksgiving is playing basketball?

    Makes you truly wonder even more...

    And sorry to say, the Palin flub with North Korea is another embarrassment. We can defend it all we wish, but the image for all is truly crushing - the same when asked about the 'Bush Doctrine' which was hurtful to our side in that Election. The leaving of the Governorship, along with so many of the portrayals of a sincere lack of substance is cementing Mrs. Palin's image as not ready for the big gig.

    It is regretful, but reality.
