Monday, November 01, 2010

Last Call for Liberty

"You would think they’d be saying thank you" -- Barack Obama, 4/15/2010

When they spent a trillion dollars of your money to repay union bosses for their support, they were laughing at you.

When they put 25,000 small businesses at risk by banning non-unionized shops from bidding on government construction projects, they were laughing at you.

When they nationalized the auto companies and flouted bankruptcy law to pay off the UAW bosses, they were laughing at you.

When they shoved the wickedly unpopular ObamaCare bill down your throats using bribes, cajolery and strong-arm tactics -- without even bothering to read their own disastrous bill, they were laughing at you.

When they passed a financial reform bill, spearheaded by the same men who had helped create the crisis in the first place and had shielded corrupt, Democrat-controlled institutions like Fannie Mae from oversight, they were laughing at you.

When they publicly demonized the nation's biggest banks while privately taking millions in contributions from them, they were laughing at you.

When they opened up the borders to murder, rape and mayhem -- disregarding the safety of citizens across the country -- to increase the odds of their reelection, they were laughing at you.

When they tried to tell you that "We Are All Socialists Now", they were laughing at you.

When they paid illegal aliens to openly canvas for Democrat votes, they were laughing at you.

When they called you racists, though you supported Allen West and 37 other wonderful black conservatives running for national office, they were laughing at you.

When they relentlessly tried to corrupt the voting process with amnesty for illegals, permitting felons to vote, and ACORN's skulduggery, they were laughing at you.

When they used your tax dollars to tar you as "tea-baggers", when your philosophy is that of America's founders, they were laughing at you.

When they tweeted birthday wishes to this era's Hitler while he builds nuclear weapons and plots America's destruction, they were laughing at you.

When they hand-delivered ballots to prisoners in jail but couldn't find a way to get military ballots to our armed forces in time for this election, they were laughing at you.

I will walk on f***ing broken glass to get to the polls tomorrow.

Are you fired up to save this country? Are you?? Well then I want to see you at the polls at zero-six-thirty-sharp. Hooah!


  1. You will have to "run some" to get to the polls before this old man!

    An Elderly Ground-Pounder.

  2. VaGal9:22 PM

    I'll be there with my Slurpee!!!

  3. Doug - I don't believe I've ever seen you this giddy...

    I feel the same way!

    As usual - a great photo post!

  4. As we've recently been informed by our caring leftists in response to the Jon Stewart rally, they were laughing at us thinking that we just didn't get the joke. We got it, we just didn't find any of it funny.

    Turnabout begins tomorrow.

  5. Well said! I saw the link at American Power and I'm glad I came. I will be voting early in CA.

  6. Anonymous12:35 AM

    INDEED, laughing at us.

    Another brilliant ROSS masterpiece.

    On broken glass, even with a stake through the heart.

    "When they gave Hillary Clinton the State Department, they were laughing at you - smart power is a fine joke".

    Tomorrow could not come too soon, like Christmas.

    Hoping Pelosi is gone from the Speakers Position so badly, wishing we had a chance to take the Senate Majority as well.

    Here is to all who give the Democrats hell tomorrow at the POLLS. Thank you.

  7. The Dem Senate majority might just get washed away if this tsunami is large enough.

  8. cathjean6:36 PM

    Awesome post Mr. Ross! I voted early, wouldn't miss it for diamonds & caviar. I also got to vote against Sharia Law, MORE education funding ( never ends) and against Obamacare.

  9. Christian Patriot III7:06 PM

    I was voter #27 in my rural twp at 7:15 AM. Withheld my vote for one local corrupt judge (running uncontested) and voted Libertarian on one other race because the R candidate had an 13% margin over the d and is a RINO who needed to know he shouldn't suffer under any illusions of having some mandate. The lesser of three evils compared to the lesser of two choice I usually get. :-j All other races went R (and we know which "nonpartisan" judges are bootlickers around here).

  10. Okay, I didn't make to the polls until 0730, the place was almost empty. Though I agree, I would have left my death bed to vote.

    But, now Fimian is down by less 1/2% to the Socialist Connolly, in Socialist Elitist area of Virginia. Where is the GOP, we could have won this one.
