Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rare Bipartisan Agreement

Dan from New York:

Obama's economic view is rejected on world stage

--New York Times, 11/12/2010

Embarrassment in Seoul

Has there ever been a major economic summit where a U.S. President and his Treasury Secretary were as thoroughly rebuffed as they were at this week's G-20 meeting in Seoul? We can't think of one.

--WSJ, November 13, 2010

Some expected a liberal savior and others a crypto-Socialist ogre. The good news is Obama is disappointing all of us. He's proving too clumsy and inept to justify either our greatest hope or our greatest fear. The anti-Obama Rebellion that swept our country on November 2nd was a national cathartic; it blessed our country with a chance to reverse Obama's worst errors and prevent the commission of others.

Although it will surely be a cliffhanger, even the oncoming calamity of a nuclear Iran - a "game changer" if ever there was one - could be turned back, provided we elect a new president in 2012. By that time, the Iranians may have a nuclear weapon but it would likely be primitive, and its means of manufacture would still be fragile and vulnerable to a determined attack. By then, Israel too could be much better prepared mentally and militarily to take on the job alone, or better still, cooperate with the new White House occupant to rid the world of Ahmadinejad's atomic suicide bombs.

So as it turns out, Obama is not a prince nor is he an ogre. He's a plain-vanilla loser, a sad sack who keeps spilling hot soup in his own lap. Let's be thankful for little things, but not take anything for granted either. We need to make certain our pathetic president is sent home to the Second City the first chance we get.

1 comment:

  1. "even the oncoming calamity of a nuclear Iran - a "game changer" if ever there was one - could be turned back, provided we elect a new president in 2012."

    That president should be Col. Allen West. Name me one other person who has the brains and the balls to tell the truth about our Islamic enemy (note how all the others, even Andrew McCarthy, who ought to know better, hem and haw and cower in the face of a tough question):

    And name me one other person out there who is THIS passionate, this determined in their absolute commitment to Israel:

    My favorite lines:
    "Take your pro-Hamas butt and get the hell out of my country!"
    the line about the real goal of the "Palestinians" being "another Holocaust: That won't happen as long as I have breath in my lungs."
