Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ain't Gonna Touch Her Junk: TSA Opts Out of Groping Napolitano and Other Lumpy DC Officials

The TSA has implemented an amazing new technology that magically identifies members of our beloved ruling class. The ruling elite is automatically exempted from naked-body scanning, full-body massages, and other finger-to-junk activities.

Cabinet secretaries, top congressional leaders and an exclusive group of senior U.S. officials are exempt from toughened new airport screening procedures when they fly commercially with government-approved federal security details.

Aviation security officials would not name those who can skip the controversial screening [Ed.: I can, your betters, peons.], but other officials said those VIPs range from top officials like Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and FBI Director Robert Mueller to congressional leaders like incoming House Speaker John Boehner, who avoided security before a recent flight from Washington’s Reagan National Airport.

...while passengers have no choice but to submit to either the detector or what some complain is an intrusive pat-down [Ed.: what percentage of Americans feel having their junk touched is "intrusive"? That percentage will give you an approximation of the spin integrated into this AP "news story"], senior government officials can opt out if they fly accompanied by government security guards approved by the TSA.

Psst! Don't ask why the TSA can't automatically identify Eagle Scouts, grandmothers from Duluth, long-time frequent fliers and the American Legion baseball team from Kansas.

That question will only confuse and enrage Democrats who seem to enjoy ripping apart the fabric of society at your expense.


  1. My nightly slumber will be most slumberific knowing that those that know better than I are exempt from such groping that should only be enforced on simple serfs such as myself...

  2. Iron Monkey11:38 PM

    They can go with Israeli style security screening but chose not to do so. They can also use an electronic sniffer (think electric dog's nose) to detect explosive particles, but chose to have quasi pervs feeling up somebody's grandmother because of the need for security theater....

    Sounds like a farce.

  3. Anonymous11:54 PM

    What values do we see when we are fixated on groping citizens but cannot bring ourselves to stop the flood of people coming across our southern border?

    At the rate they are going, members of this administration will alienate such a high percent of the public that it will start to get really ugly for them in the media.

  4. Please note that this is profiling. These individuals are unlikely to cause the airplane to crash violently to the ground leaving a flaming crater. The economy maybe, the plane, no.

    Now if only we could somehow profile against the people with a *higher* probability of being a danger to the aircraft...

  5. Did you see that Napalitano plans to expand this insanity to buses, trains & boats too?


    and that we're apparently being irradiated & nudie scanned without our knowledge or consent in other places as well:


    Of course none of this is happening to Obama's chosen favorites though. They have no sympathy because it's not something they'll ever have to be subjected to.

  6. The links I posted above to your great post inspired me to do a bit of ranting of my own - here:


  7. Iron Monkey12:29 PM

    Two words "air taxi", there's a huge number of private pilots with planes that can carry multiple passengers around running from municipal airports. A network of these guys can give the domestic carriers a run for their money. Get regular taxis to run you from the municipal airports into the main cities and you'll have it made, like a run from Seattle to Salt Lake City. Or multiple people with a pilot's license chip in to get a plane or some such. It can be done. Never let those goons get the better of ya....

  8. And they're apparently not going to limit themselves to forms of transportation:


  9. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Nice, but Mannit's body is too thin here. Besides, you need to show the outline of a pantsuit, preferrably key lime colored. She wore that one a lot to the Arizona Opera.

    Ha Ha Ha...

  10. sTevo4:54 PM

    I believe the x-ray would be more uniformly accepted if the images were to appear as you have shown of Janet.

    Then software would detect any foreign object and provide localized resolution. Any software engineer could develop this algorithm.

    Also, the person scanned should have the right to see the image and then delete the image.
