Thursday, March 03, 2011

State Department Propagandist: Motivation Behind Frankfurt Attack Could Have Been Similar to Gabby Giffords Shooting

If there's a corner of the Obama administration that hasn't been completely politicized, I have yet to find it. Exhibit 9,000,000: State Department spokes-hack P. J. Crowley today refused to label the deadly shootings of American soldiers in Frankfurt Germany an Islamist terrorist attack, stammering instead that the motivation could have been similar to that behind the Tucson shootings.

"Uh, eh, er, was the shooting of Gabby Giffords a terrorist attck?"

Unlike the Obama administration, the German newspaper Der Spiegel has no motivation to mask the real motive for the attack.

Arid U., who has confessed to the Wednesday shooting of two US airmen at the Frankfurt airport, was an unfriendly loner, say his neighbors. But his list of Facebook friends indicate that the 21-year-old had several contacts with radical Islamists... Indications are mounting that the assault on a bus carrying US soldiers at the Frankfurt Airport on Wednesday afternoon was an Islamist terror attack.

...The alleged perpetrator, Arid U., who admitted on Thursday to having carried out the attack, appears to have had extensive contact with radical Islamists via his Facebook page. SPIEGEL ONLINE has also learned that the shooting, which killed two American airmen and injured two others, possibly came after the gunman, identified as Arid U., was unable to leave Germany and travel to Afghanistan. Instead, the 21-year-old airport employee opted to attack US troops in Germany...

...Arid U., who is originally from predominantly Muslim Kosovo, has left plenty of digital clues pointing to his adherence to radical Islamism. Two weeks prior to the shooting, he posted a link on his Facebook wall to a jihadist battle hymn. "I can no longer stand this life of humiliation among you," read the lyrics. "My weapon is ready at all times."

Curious: I didn't realize Jared Loughner had screamed Jihadist epithets while launching his horrifying attack in Tucson.


  1. I just saw this prevaricating imbecile on FOX. I'd call him a whore, but at least an honest whore gives value for money.

    Our gov't (troops excepted, of course) is a bunch of Dhimmis led by a crypto-Islamic.

    Of course, the "crypto" part is becoming less and less plausible with each of the denials/apologies he issues for homicidal Islam.

  2. Whitehall7:45 PM

    "If there's a corner of the Obama administration that hasn't been completely politicized, I have yet to find it."

    Ain't that the truth! Even the technocrats at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have been politicized with the appoint of Harry Reid's legislative aide as chairman.
