Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nice: Mexican drug cartels now manning hilltop observation posts in Arizona to track movement of cops in "safe as it's ever been" border region

It would appear that, despite the civil war boiling over in Mexico, this administration is bent on maintaining open borders with the failed narco-terror state in order to ensure a pre-election influx of undocumented Democrats.

Because that's the only explanation that makes sense to me.

Authorities say most of the mountain tops in the Tohono O'odham Native American reservation in Arizona are being used by Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel to hide surveillance teams who operate as spotters while cargo is trafficked across the U.S. border. NBC's Mark Potter reports..

...Making our way slowly to the rugged hilltops about a mile away, we came across several caves carved out of the rock by wind and rain. On the floor of one of them, we saw clear evidence that a surveillance team had been camping out. Two blankets were spread out next to a pair of shoes. Nearby were boxes of food, tarps, water jugs, toothpaste and a portable stove, on top of which was a pan with fresh cooking oil still in it.

Agents also found radio chargers and car batteries used to power communications gear. They told NBC producer-photographer Al Henkel and me that Mexican surveillance teams will work in these mountains for 30 to 60 days at a time...

...They locate themselves up on these ridgelines, up in caves, hidey holes, ‘spider holes’ we call them,” said DEA agent Todd Scott. He and the agents wondered if this particular “spider hole” was home to the two men just seen running away...

...smugglers often use heavily-camouflaged vehicles with all the inside lights taped over to avoid being seen at night. When spotters in the mountains give the all-clear signal to move north, the traffickers will sometimes drive right across the desert, or will set out on foot carrying drugs... “A vehicle may have anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 pounds in it and then you may have a human train of smugglers, 10 or 15 people each with a 40-to-60 pound pack on their back,” said Scott, the DEA agent...

Oh, and I forgot: the border is, according to our beloved baritone DHS secretary, "as safe as it's ever been."


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I heard about this a while back. The response from Homeland was that they could learn more from monitoring them than taking them out. I also read a nice article about the new trucks the border guards are potentially using in a mag at a waiting room. Can't remember which though. Was GM made though.

  2. Anonymous9:08 PM


  3. @wtng2fish -

    Well, they certainly appear to have the gun-running part mastered... ("Operation Gunrunner" -- the biggest scandal since Watergate that legacy media won't touch).

  4. Harry Bergeron9:34 PM

    Once again the MSM is behind the curve.

    These observation posts have been known for a year or two, even by civilians who work the area.

    They also have night-vision capability--makes them hard to sneak up on and neutralize.
