Sunday, May 15, 2011

White House approves 200 more Obamacare waivers; but, unfortunately, won't tell us whose applications were rejected

Will the few remaining defenders of Obamacare finally capitulate when the total number of people receiving waivers exceeds those still in the program?

The Obama administration approved 204 new waivers to Democrats' healthcare reform law over the past month, bringing the total to 1,372.

The waivers are temporary and only apply to one provision of the law, which requires health plans to offer at least $750,000 worth of annual medical benefits before leaving patients to fend for themselves. Still, Republicans have assailed the waivers as a sign of both favoritism and of major problems with the law.

"The fact that over 1,000 waivers have been granted is a tacit admission that the healthcare law is fundamentally flawed," Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) said in March...

...Upton is one of three House committee chairmen who has used new oversight powers to investigate the annual limit waivers...

There is a movement afoot that would allow you to apply for your own, personal waiver.

I wonder what would happen if, say, 75 million people applied for one?


  1. There is a movement afoot that would allow you to apply for your own, personal waiver.

    I wonder what would happen if, say, 75 million people applied for one?

    100,000+ "unemployable outside of government" get jobs -- Obama's and Holder's people. Each one would be expected to process ~3 applications a day -- but we no that would never happen.

  2. .... err .... not no, KNOW
