Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chris Wallace's Greatest Interview Questions

The bizarre interview of GOP front-runner Michele Bachmann ("Are you a flake?") by Fox News analyst Chris Wallace wasn't his first encounter with controversy.

Although I wonder if he'd have the cojones to ask the following questions.

"Are you a Marxist? I mean, that's what the rap on you is?"

"Are you a bit too ample in the derriere to be lecturing people on their diets? I mean, that's what the rap on you is -- too much 'junk in the trunk', if you will."

"Are you as stupid as you sound? Let's face it, that's what the rap on you is?"

"Are you a pathological liar? I'm sure you know that's what the rap on you is?"

"Are you a mentally unbalanced, barely coherent dimwit? I mean, that's what the rap on you is?"

"Are you a perverted wanker? That's what the rap on you is?"

* * * * * * * * *

Hey, Wallace: go drink a big tall glass of shut-up juice, you freaking dweeb.

Update: Hey, Chris Wallace: do you know how many people called Michele Bachmann a 'flake' before you slandered her on Sunday? None, dimwit.

Linked by: The Tatler. Thanks!


  1. Crikeys Biff !!!!!!!!!!

    You've outdone yourself with this one !!

    SPOT ON !!!

  2. The only problem is that for each of the Democraps - the rap is true, and no one had the guts to call them on it. While the insult hurled at Bachman came completely out of no where.

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    That bit of sleight of hand made the whole question worthwhile. Lars

  4. Robert1:15 AM

    That's incredibly awesome Doug. so funny.

    Hey Chris Ahole Wallace, I will never again watch the television when your face or voice is on it. you hear me? cause I won't be hearing you, jerk.

    Fox News better understand we are in a War. man up the ramparts or shut the F up. Chrissy.
