Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Destroying the future, one job at a time

Unemployed -- which is to say, almost all -- young people are abandoning Barack Obama in record numbers.

A very large proportion of recent university graduates have soured on President Barack Obama, and many will vote GOP or stay at home in the 2012 election, according to two new surveys of younger voters.

...The scope of this disengagement from Obama is suggested by an informal survey of 500 post-grads by Joe Maddalone, founder of Maddalone Global Strategies. Of his sample, 93 percent are aged between 22 and 28, 67 percent are male and 83 percent voted for Obama in 2008. But only 27 percent are committed to voting for Obama again, and 80 percent said they would consider voting for a Republican, said New York-based Maddalone.

That’s a drop of almost 60 points in support for Obama among this influential class of younger post-grad voters, who Maddalone recruited at conferences held at New York University and Thomson-Reuters’ New York headquarters.

The bad news for Obama was underlined May 19 with a report by a job-firm Adecco that roughly 60 percent of recent college-grads have not been able to find a full-time job in their preferred area. One-in-five graduates have taken jobs far from their training, one-in-six are dependent on their parents, and one-in-four say they’re in debt, according to the firm’s data.

Each household in America is now on the hook for $534,000 in debt and unfunded liabilities, with "a staggering $5.3 trillion ... added to the ... tab last year" alone.

These college kids are, unfortunately, learning a very hard lesson in macroeconomics. Centralized, authoritarian, Soviet-style government can't work, doesn't work and, in fact, has never worked in all of human history.


  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Your blog sucks.

  2. Redneck Hayek9:28 AM

    Looks like the American Socialist Party has spent all the money ($5+ TRILLION) burned in one year....for nothing more than worthless Gubmint non-workers and sucker blog respondees like Anon 8:09 AM...

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Yea, your blog sucks, for telling the truth.
    Thanks to Hussein the Country knows what John Wayne Gacey and Ted Bundy's victims felt like when they realized they had been deceived.
