Wednesday, July 13, 2011

CBS: Racist!

Why would CBS headline an article quoting Obama as saying "Nobody can be messing with our embassy"? In all seriousness, that's just bizarre.

Look, no matter what you think about his policies, Barack Obama is an articulate and well-spoken man. So I do find it somewhat odd and offensive that CBS would pick out an inartful turn of phrase to use as a headline.

CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley asked President Obama today about the attacks on the U.S. embassy.

"Yesterday the U.S. embassy in Damascus was attacked by a mob," Pelley said. "I wonder what you say to the dictator in Syria?"

"Well, you know, we've been very clear that what we've seen on the part of the Syrian regime has been an unacceptable degree of brutality, directed at its people," Mr. Obama said. "We've certainly sent a clear message that nobody can be messing with our embassy. And that we will take whatever actions necessary in order to protect our embassy. And I think they've gotten that message."

Expect Al "Not so" Sharpton and Jesse Jerkson to file a formal complaint with the Bureau of Race-Baiting.

Hat tips: Mark Levin and JCP.


  1. Anonymous2:23 AM

    That's right, Butch. Shake your fist at 'em.

  2. I'm new. But there ain't no way I'm taking this bait. I have to assume that this is a joke:

    Look, no matter what you think about his policies, Barack Obama is an articulate and well-spoken man.

    When I saw it, I needed my breathalyzer........uh......inhalattor..........uh...........I........uh.........needed some get me some treatment.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    articulate my ass..... open ur eyes

  4. Messin'1:30 PM

    I had to search far and wide for "nobody can be messing" on Google, and found only the following usages, pre-Obama:

    "Yes, the mouse is blue-tooth, but the receiver is disconnected. So nobody can be messing around with it from next door. "

    "He seems like such a sweetie but no one can be messing with my grandbabies."

    "Now no one can be messin' with your dougie, enjoy~!"
