Tuesday, September 06, 2011

40 shot in NYC last weekend thanks to draconian gun control laws and law-abiding CCW holders, but mostly draconian gun control laws

I'm still waiting for the day when liberals -- en masse -- denounce their own long list of policy failures, from banning DDT to "Great Society". Foremost among their inane prescriptions: "gun control":

An outbreak of shootings across New York City over Labor Day weekend – including three at the annual West Indian Day parade in Brooklyn – has left more than 40 people injured and five dead.

The first shooting took place at 6 a.m. Saturday, when a 35-year-old woman was shot and wounded on the corner of Saratoga Ave. and Newport St. in Brooklyn. During the next 24 hours, 23 more people were shot in 13 separate incidents, according to the New York Daily News.

Eight people were shot at a backyard party in the Bronx neighborhood of Williamsbridge on Sunday around 3:30 a.m, the New York Times reports. The wounded included an 11-year-old boy and two girls, ages 13 and 14. Police suspected a 17-year-old was the shooter, and they were looking for him.

Four men were shot at a barbecue in Brooklyn’s East Flatbush neighborhood early Monday morning, NBC News reports. One of the victims, 17-year-old Tyrief Gary, died.

But... but... but... handguns are banned in New York City! How can this be?

For you drones out there: that's a rhetorical question. Pick up a copy of More Guns, Less Crime to find out why.


  1. Well, silly you!

    You *KNOW* criminals would have no access to guns if they were outlawed. And of course, neither would the law-abiding.

    So, obviously during the dog days of August, when it's too hot at night to sleep and everybody's short-tempered, folks deprived of firearms will use silly string or water balloons to express their annoyance with each other. Nobody would bother with knives or chains or baseball bats. And then the lions would lie down with the lambs, too. Really. Just ask a Liberal.

  2. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Yeah, I'll go rigghtttt out and pick that book up, you fucking moron. Go shoot yourself in the head.

  3. Awww - does some anonymous tool need a nap?

  4. Monkey King12:30 AM

    Anonymous @ 10:46 pm is very persuasive in his line of reasoning. It's like hearing angles singing for the first time! Like the voice of God, spoken directly to your soul!

    Anonymous, you are the very definition of Truth!

    We should hope that we can evolve into such a creature such as this!

  5. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Where is the first lady. I don't see her.
