Monday, September 05, 2011

Another Coincidence

Lifted from Cliffs of Insanity*:

I'm sure that the timing of all this is just coincidence. 

  • The big flashmobs in Britain this summer
  • The flashrobs
  • The flashriots in Wisconsin and "urban" rallies elsewhere
  • It's Over in the Eurozone.  You know, when a 9.0 earthquake hits, a tsunami often follows. 
  • Zero private sector jobs added last month
  • Pres__ent Obama waiting to give his "jobs" speech (as if another layer of Simoniz can help the turd to shine better)
  • And Jimmy Hoffa offering up his "Army", ready to march and "take these son of bitches out.
  • Project Gunwalker 
  • And now Project Gangwalker - walking guns to criminal gangs inside the US. 
Why . . . it's like it's all building up to something. 

I'm reminded of the words from The Road Warrior:

When it's all said and done, The Road Warrior may look like a happy, sunny memory compared to what we're about to go through.
Their leaders talked and talked and talked but nothing could stem the avalanche. Their world crumbled the cities exploded. A whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear.

*Hopefully any lawsuit by Cliffs of Insanity will be preempted by global Armageddon.

Hat tip: D&S.


  1. Mt Top Patriot8:05 PM

    Tactics of desperation.
    The left's days are numbered.
    They know it.
    It is a given that they are never going to give up the power and wealth they have stolen from us. Like psychotic madmen they are going to throw everything they have under the bus of tyranny in an act of last resorts to retain their corrupt access to power and wealth they know is not theirs to begin with.
    These are the most foul kind of tyrants and thieves. They live among honorable Americans, mooching and robbing, stirring up turmoil and hatefulness.
    Despicable people who do not deserve the fruits of a Constitutional Republic.
    2012 is coming, and there are millions of us true blue American's coming with a bone in our teeth for these worthless bums.

  2. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has seen all this shit and can put two and two together.

    Nevertheless, to see it all laid out like this -- bringing to the surface what my psyche would really prefer to keep on the back burner, out of my conscious mind -- totally freaks me out. I'm sitting here with tears of rage and fear -- just praying that the LORD will get me and my loved ones through what anyone with eyes and ears knows is coming.

    EVERYTHING has consequences. In this country, we've worshipped the gods of greed and self so wholeheartedly, for so many years, that it was always eventually going to come back and bite us. You can only avoid natural consequences for so long.

    I believe we are to pray, prepare and preserve:

    Pray for wisdom and strength;
    Prepare, both spiritually and practically;
    Preserve, in our own families and local circles, the true, the good and the beautiful, through whatever ugliness and darkness comes.
