Friday, September 02, 2011

Could the President be brought down by a single poll?

Larwyn points us to a James Taranto Best of the Web snippet which reads: intriguing observation from reader Tim Magee: "Could the President be brought down by a single poll? How about Obama vs. Hillary Clinton among Democrats? I think she could win that poll, and I don't think Obama could recover, regardless of whether Mrs. Clinton ran."

Let's find out. Somebody please commission that poll.

Oh, my.

I shudder to think what that might do to the fragile ego of our Narcissist-in-Chief.


  1. You should SEE the Obama re-election ads in your upper right hand corner! Man, he must be paying for ultimate saturation. Even has mouse-over effects - Can't get a screenshot of the part with him and Michelle though, soon as I click for the screenshot it changes.

    I guess he doesn't care about the content of the blogs he's on - but he SURE is wasting his money - hope he keeps it up, let's drain that cash cow.

  2. I choose Hillary over the JEF.

  3. Rose, always remember, that's OUR money that he's wasting, that has been laundered through the SEIU and the NEA etc and was originally called a stimulus package....
