Saturday, September 03, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: Barry Obama -- Who is this guy?

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Barry Obama: Who is this guy?: JPA
Hot Air Candidate Survey: September Results: Hot Air
Dem running for Weiner seat: Who's this Obama person you speak of?: JWF

America's Uncle Omar Problem: Malkin
A $4.2 Bil Subsidy For Illegals?: IBD
The Wacky Palin Hillbilly Clan Strikes Again!: RWN


If You Were in Obama’s Shoes, Wouldn’t You Be Worried?: Geraghty
Obama: Bo ate my jobs plan: Pundette
Change: Black unemployment numbers are at 27 year high: Toldjah

Zero Jobs 101 — the Psychology of Alienating Employers: Hanson
How Bad will the Job Picture Get?: Instapundit
Busy weekend to challenge already-stretched Detroit police: Freep

Zero New Jobs in America: Foundry
Why more money hasn't, and won't, fix public schools: Cato
U.S. Debt Held by Public Tops $10T for 1st Time—Up 59% Under Obama: CNS


Gunwalker: Details of Coverup Revealed: Owens
More F&F guns discovered at Mexican crime scenes: This Ain't Hell
White House received emails about Fast and Furious gun-trafficking operation: LAT

Climate & Energy

Teapot Solyndra: LegalIns
Change! Obama "Requests" The EPA Withdraw Job Killing Proposed Ozone Regulations : Ace
Solyndra ain't the only one: Another 'green' company goes belly up: TAB

"If Mitt Romney doesn't 'know' global warming is mostly caused by humans, is he 'against science'?": Althouse
Solyndra and the Stimulus: LAT
895,000 Still Without Power: Daily Beast


Speech, Speech: Knish
The White House Mess: Instapundit
Obama Came to a Fork in the Road and Took It: Vodkapundit

Mike Papantonio: King of Hate: Equalizer
Perry's Aggressive Debate Style, And Why He Should Avoid That: Ace
Apparently, Illegal Immigration Is A Super Duper Major Big GOP Issue For 2012: RWN

Obama Uses Weekly Address To Discuss…..Transportation: RWN
Charles Krauthammer: Obama Is "Clueless And, For Now, Irrelevant": BlogProf
No, denial of POTUS' request to speak not unprecedented: VS


Obama admin takes lead on criminalizing speech against Islam: Creeping
Secret NYPD Demographic Unit revealed: RT
US Authorities Investigate Incursion By Mexican Federal Police: KVIA

As U.N.'s 'Durban III' Approaches Where Are the Moral Leaders?: Bayefsky
UN: Credible evidence Iran working on nuke weapons: AP
DHS Depicts White Conservative-Looking Americans As Terrorists: Sword


Why Amazon's will be the first successful Android tablet: CNet
Singel-Minded: Why Feds Are Right to Block AT&T, T-Mobile Merger: Wired
Amazon’s Kindle Tablet Is Very Real. I’ve Seen It, Played With It.: Crunch


Go Now Bag: Exurban League
Obama confronts Boehner: Exclusive photo : Laughing Conservative
Signs of Sanity in New England: Urban Infidel

Image: MOTUS
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Michele Bachmann for President

QOTD: "Given that AT&T would have more than 43 percent of the market, and combined with Verizon would have more than 80 percent of the U.S. market, there’s cause to be concerned the two could start colluding — without even needing to talk to one another.

Moreover, AT&T is a tech laggard. Name any innovation in wireless and AT&T will land about dead last in the order of rolling it out, except for maybe one — locking up the iPhone for a long exclusive.

Techies have already seemed to have forgotten that telecoms and the greater tech world are naturally enemies, and the carriers stifled innovation for as long as they could — until Apple blew a hole in their walled gardens." --Ryan Singel, "Why Feds Are Right to Block AT&T, T-Mobile Merger"

1 comment:

  1. Bones2:29 PM

    Big telecoms never innovated anything, except for the transistor, IC, the whole long distance system and probably 100k
    of other patents.
