Friday, September 09, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: Bravo, Rick Perry: ‘Ponzi Scheme’ Talk Is Leadership

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Bravo, Rick Perry: ‘Ponzi Scheme’ Talk Is Leadership: Shiver
Angry Man Shows Up To Give Tired, Recycled Speech: RWN
A Guide To Code Words In Presidential Speeches: IBD

U.S. Sees 'Credible' 9/11 Terror Threat : WSJ
FBI raid on Solyndra: collecting evidence... or hiding it?: TAB
Herman Cain’s Brilliant Response to Obama’s Speech: Tatler

Dems to spend $500K: desperate bid to hold Weiner’s seat: Hot Air
Wrong-Way Weprin Screws Up Yet Again; Has To Pull Ad: Ace
Rezko sentencing date might get pushed back: WJBC


Dissecting the Lies in Obama's Speech: Mish
Gibson CEO on Obama's speech: 'Untold damage to Business': GWP
The Post Office: It Was Fun While It Lasted: Driscoll

Union thug alert: Day of Rage festivities start early in WA: Malkin
Trumka sits with First Lady After AFL-CIO Took Hostages: Loesch
A Trumka history lesson for Mrs. Obama: Malkin

We're No. 5!: JWF
Senate Attempt To Block Debt Ceiling Increase Fails: ZH
Comprehensive List of Obama Tax Hikes: ATR


Authorities: Gun Found in AZ Is Third at U.S. Crime Scene Tied to ‘Fast and Furious’: Dollard
Fast and Furious linked to 12 more violent crime scenes in Mexico: Q&O
Holder: 'Fast and Furious' operation didn't reach DOJ 'upper levels': CNN

Climate & Energy

Landry, In The Audience At Obama’s Speech…: Hayride
Under the Bus: a Pack of Pouting Greens: Mead
Apparently, There’s No Such Thing As Natural Weather Anymore: RWN


‘The Beauty of Social Insurance is that it is Actuarially Unsound’: Driscoll
Get Off Jimmy Hoffa's Back!: RWN
The best way for politicians to "create jobs": BSF

Contagion, Matt Damon, Rick Perry and True Blood: JPA
Left wages war on the Tea Party: Colorado Springs
America: Why Race Riots Are Inevitable: Trumpet


Fighting Islamic Terror: A Personal Duty: Mauro
Greece Out of Money by October 17: Mish
3 Boston Islamic charity leaders convicted, again: Creeping


Ten years later: IT and life lessons from the South Tower: TechRepublic
Fired Facebook commenters ordered back to work: CNet
Google buys Zagat, in original-content gambit: CNet


This Week in Quotes: RWN
Shoes For Industry!…WTF?: MOTUS
Record Setters - The Big Picture: Globe

Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Can Mr. Obama change course, given the evidence that the economy responded poorly to top-down direction from Washington rather than the bottom-up individual initiative that is the key to strong growth? Is he willing to rein in the entitlement state erected under radically different economic and demographic conditions? And will he reform the corporate and personal income taxes with much lower rates on a broader base? Or is he going to propose the same failed policies—more spending, social engineering, temporary tax cuts and permanent tax hikes?" --Michael J. Boskin

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