Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: Lawlessness Is the Rule

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Lawlessness Is the Rule: Federale
Dems plot to deny Obama re-nomination: Lifson
Romney Proves Delusions Aren't Just For Democrats: Ace

Palmetto Scorecard: NRO
Bachmann: why do we need a Dept. of Education, anyway?: Hot Air
Years later, land seized in Kelo decision used as dump: BG


“Let’s take these son of a bitches out”: ProWis
Tea Party Group to Hoffa: Resign!: Instapundit
Labor Sec. Unaware TX Is Growing Jobs: Blaze

Biden: "You Are...Keeping The Barbarians From the Gates": Ace
What We Got From Porkulus: RWN
'Releect me and we'll all be as prosperous as Detroit': LI

Labor Day Blues: Samuelson
Dear American, You Owe the U.S. Gov’t $31,871: RWN
Carpenters shout racial slurs at Jay-Z for using nonunion labor: NYDN


Codrea Exclusive: "Project Gangwalker?" More gunwalking -- in INDIANA!: Sipsey
Grenades Case Hits Justice: WSJ
Three Fall Guys Won't Make Fast and Furious Go Away: Events

Climate & Energy

Gas $1/gallon more than last Labor Day weekend, causing tourists to stay home: Instapundit
Climate Confusion I: Hayward
Shocker: Green Energy Will Kill Jobs And Income Levels: Pirate's Cove


Politico Blames Republicans for ‘Politics’ at Hoffa-Obama ‘Sons Of Bitches’ Rally: Pollak
The slandering of the American conservative movement has begun: Telegraph
Assessing the Palin Nation: Tatler

NPR Lets Abortion Lobby Smear Pro-Lifers As Potential Terrorists: NB
Dana Loesch Brings Tea Party Views to 'This Week': NB
Unhinged Liberals Using Eliminationist Rhetoric on Twitter: VS

Praying for Marizela: Month 6: Malkin
The Left is Worried About the Constitution?: BigDog
A War, Or Capitulation?: Western


In Memory of Thirty Warriors Lost in an Afghan Wasteland: PJM
Corrupt Leftists at Lancet Now Say 108,000 Iraqis Were Killed in War Not 655,000: GWP
More Than 100 People in Poland March for an End to Anti-Semitic Attacks: Blaze

UBS Quantifies Costs Of Euro Break Up, Warns Of Collapse Of Banking System And Civil War: ZH
Colorado Elementary School Lowers American Flag, Replaces It With One From Saudi Arabia: WZ
Israelis held in Istanbul airport: ynet


iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup: CNet
Dutch firm linked to many more fraudulent Net certificates: CNet
Facebook page hijacking locks out original admins: Sophos


Burning Flags Over America: Capitalist Preservation
Sarah Palin Runs 1:46 Half-Marathon: GWP
September 12, 2001: WSJ

Image: Pics from the front: WZ
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Center for Individual Freedom

QOTD: "They are the children of dependency, the product of what Sir William Beveridge, the father of the British welfare state, called a world without want. And certainly these ski-masked bandits do not want. They do not want to work, they do not want to marry and raise children, they do not want the responsibilities of adulthood, they do not want to live productive lives of any kind. " --Mark Steyn

"Those who are always accusing people in the private sector of "greed" almost never accuse government of greed, no matter what it does." --Thomas Sowell

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