Monday, September 05, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: The War of 2012

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The War of 2012: PJM
The Hate That Never Ended: NoisyRm
Obama: I’m Done Working with Congress: Commentary

Labor Day & The Union Tax: How Unions Kill Jobs: LUR
Obama’s illegal move on immigration: WaPo
“Permanent, Political Class”: RWN

Memo to Dems: Dump Obama before it’s too late: DC
Has Sarah Palin Worn Out Her GOP Presidential Welcome?: RWN
Anti-Obama signs sprout in Maine: Urban Infidel


Nation Suffering from Obama-Induced Irregularity: Blumer
Happy Labor Day: Top 10 union thug moments of the year: Malkin
I’m exactly what’s wrong with Barack Obama’s America: Times

Calling BS on the "WW2 ended the Depression" myth: Ace
"The Stimulus Worked!" Junk Chart and Why It's Junk: AmDig
Postal Service Is Nearing Default as Losses Mount: NYT

Climate & Energy

Could Bachmann Keep Her $2 Gas Promise?: RWN
Our Least Sustainable Energy Option: NMJ
Obama Closes Last US Light Bulb Factory -- Jobs Go to Mexico: Fox News


When You’ve Lost Maureen Dowd And Frank Rich: OTB
Political Science Academics Declare Tea Party Members Racist: WZ
Question Time for Republicans: Will

Heh: Time Hack Who Claimed Solyndra Was In Good Shape 9 Weeks Ago Forced To Report Its Bankruptcy: Ace
Dowd: ‘Obama Was Not Even the Person He Was Waiting For’: BG
What Democrats can do about Obama: Salon

Another Obamacare fable: No, lack of insurance didn’t kill jobless dad with tooth infection: Malkin
NY Times: Don’t Fear Sharia Law In America: Sword
The "Federal Family" Meme: Silicon Graybeard


Jihadists Plot to Take Over Libya: JihadWatch
Over the Horizon: Is worrying about war with China a self-fulfilling prophecy?: ForPol
The Obama Administration Takes on ‘Islamophobia’: NMJ

Game Over? Senior IMF Official - "I Expect A Hard Greek Default This Year" : ZH
Huda the Hangwoman Arrested: Jawa
Global Economic Armageddon: Bookworm


What Would T-Mobile Do With $3 Billion? We May Be About to Find Out.: AllThingsD
Is a nuclear-powered car in our future?: CNet
Google+ weekly visits on the decline: CNet


When Racing Required Cojones: iOTW
What's in his plan? We hack into O's teleprompter: LaughingCon
Sarah and Todd Palin: Right Truth

Kids Today: AmDig
What's In a Name?: Reluctant Rebel
Staff sgt. offered TV tryout after viral video: Air Force Times

Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Michele Bachmann for President

QOTD: "...if things are not going to improve, there really is no choice other than to blame someone else... Get ready for the nastiest political campaign season you’ve ever seen. From the people who brought you hope and change." -- Keith Koffler

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