Wednesday, September 07, 2011

McCain on Gunwalker: Holder Needs to Testify Now

The most partisan political hack ever to serve as attorney general hardest hit:

Sen. John McCain is asking for a Senate hearing on the ATF's Fast and Furious "Gunwalker" scandal "as soon as possible."

And he wants Attorney General Eric Holder to testify.

...As CBS News first reported last February, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allegedly allowed thousands of weapons to "walk" onto the streets without interdiction into the hands of suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels... The operation allegedly had the blessing of the lead prosecutor on the case. That prosecutor, Emory Hurley, was recently reassigned. Last week, his boss U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke resigned, as did the head of ATF Kenneth Melson.

This week, the Department of Justice removed Fast and Furious and two related cases from the US Attorney's office in Arizona and reassigned them to California prosecutors.

Holder has not given detailed testimony on the scandal. He had no comment on McCain's request. President Obama has said that neither he nor Holder knew about or approved of the operation. The Inspector General is investigating.

The invaluable Sipsey Street Irregulars remain the go-to news source on all things Gunrunner.


  1. Matthew W9:12 PM

    WOW !!!
    The Grand Exalted Pooh Bah of Mushy Headed Moderates is taking a position ????

    Now the MSM will have to take a look at the scandal

  2. feeblemind10:21 PM

    Fervently hope you are right, but I don't share your optimism.

    Why would a Democrat controlled senate hold hearings on their own side? Even if they do,they will be structured to whitewash the whole affair.

    As for the Lamestream media, they will continue to either ignore or bury the story.

    It will take some very clear and direct evidence implicating 0bama to give this scandal the attention it deserves and I doubt such evidence exists at this point.

    I hope I am wrong.
