Sunday, September 04, 2011

Shock: left-wing Democrat campaign treasurer arrested by FBI

This is only a guess, but Eric Holder must have been on vacation when this arrest was approved.

FBI arrests prominent Democratic campaign treasurer

A prominent Democratic campaign treasurer who works for federal, state and O.C. lawmakers including U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Rep. Loretta Sanchez and state legislators Lou Correa and Jose Solorio has been arrested by the FBI on suspicion of mail fraud ... in connection with her position as a campaign treasurer.

State Sen. Lou Correa told the Register on Saturday afternoon that he was called by the FBI late Friday night and told that [Kinde] Durkee had been arrested and that he is a likely victim along with “many, many other victims.” The Santa Ana Democrat said he believes he has lost “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in campaign funds.

“This is clearly a sense of betrayal of someone I have trusted for a number of years,” said Correa, who has used Durkee as his campaign treasurer since 1995. “This is a punch straight to the gut.”

...Durkee also oversaw the political-action committees of the Democratic Party of Orange County and the Democratic Foundation of Orange County, among others... Durkee and Associates says on its website: “Since 1972 we have worked for 5 presidential campaigns, 4 gubernatorial campaigns, numerous senate, congressional, state and local candidates, initiatives, political action committees and many non-profit associates and small businesses.”

Durkee has had enforcement actions taken against her four times by the state Fair Political Practices Commission, primarily for failing to report transactions or information. She has also received at least a half a dozen enforcement warning letters from the commission and stipulated to a violation before the City of San Diego Ethics Commission.

Isn't this the fiscally responsible Democrat Party in microcosm? Despite repeated reporting and ethics violations, the menagerie of left wing kooks continued using Durkee to handle their money.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Marxists progressives.

By the way, I simply adore what Kinde's done with her hair.

Hat tip: Drudge Report.


  1. Wow. Fat, ugly, AND corrupt! She's scored the leftist trifecta!

  2. Robert1:47 AM

    hilarious that this leftist pig stole from all those other leftist pigs, especially the Reconquista Ahole Mexican Socialists listed there. HA! so funny!

    as DR says, couldn't happen to a more appropriate bunch of gutter dwellers.

    as they say, thieves flock together.

  3. eulanlia1:10 AM

    It serves them right. Who would let her handle their campaign funds. She has been cited for mishandling and ehtical violations by the state Fair Political Practices Commission. Not once but several times so who in their right mind would choose her to handle any money. Wow what idiots. Don't they do their homework or do they let anyone handle the money. I wonder how much money she took for herself by looking at her she sure didn't spend it on that hair or wardrobe.
