Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's come to this: Obama campaign's new fundraising site makes it impossible to know how much your credit card will be charged

Oh, this should be good.

In honor of tonight's GOP debate, the Obama campaign created a bizarre "Debate Bingo" website that makes it virtually impossible for donors to predict how much their credit cards will be charged (no link, intentionally).

Pick one or more phrases and an amount -- and your credit card will be charged that amount multiplied by the number of times the Obama campaign says the phrase(s) were mentioned. Well, that could certainly get expensive.

Call it "Click and Trust".

Although, since the president's party has a long history of registering dead voters, felons and illegal immigrants, I'm not sure I'd actually click or trust.

If you have a few extra bucks, pony up -- exactly the amount you want -- for H-E-R-M-A-N C-A-I-N.

Hat tip: Snarky Basterd.


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Last week they were hawking beer blankets and this week it's friggin' bingo cards.


  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    A project for Biff:
    Can there be a permanent link on your home page to the stories that you had about the obvious illegal online campaign fund raising involving credit cards by the NObama team??

    I currently have a $10.00 throw away credit card and once the NObama team starts up anew, I want to donate under various (and clearly fake) names to see if they go through as they did the last time !!
