Sunday, October 30, 2011

WaPo columnist Jennifer Rubin in trouble for... a retweet

Somehow unable to find any hint of left-wing bias, the Washington Post ombudsman has mysteriously discovered a controversy. Of course, it involves one of the paper's few conservative op-ed columnists. Specifically, he finds fault in Jennifer Rubin's choice of... re-tweets.

...a tweet that The Post’s conservative opinion blogger, Jennifer Rubin, put out on Twitter on Oct. 18. Actually it was a retweet of a tweet from Rachel Abrams, a hard-line pro-Israel blogger who used the tweet to link to her blog post on the release by Hamas of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, held for five years in captivity in Gaza.

The original blog post by Abrams (not by Rubin) was offensive to many readers in its anti-Palestinian language. The fact that a Post blogger — even an opinion blogger like Rubin not subject to the same ethical guidelines as Post news editors and reporters — retweeted it, outraged many. I didn’t like it either, and I’ll elaborate on that in my Post Roast on Monday.

The Washington Post has a legendary track-record of partisanship and left-wing spin. Some would even call it 'historic'.

The same ombudsman found nothing untoward with the paper's hit-piece on Marco Rubio's heritage, though critics from across the political spectrum pilloried the Post's coverage.

Consider the irony: Rubin appears to be in trouble for re-tweeting a link to a hard-line Israeli blogger. Meanwhile, its liberal columnists and reporters (like Bob Woodward, Steven Mufson, Leila Fadel, Mary Beth Sheridan, Karen Tumulty, food critic Tim Carman and many more) can literally say and write anything so long as they echo the left-wing, Statist talking points.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Retweeting is typically seen as support for the original tweet (unless stated otherwise).

    Is the point of the article that its okay to kill people simply because they are not Jewish?

    Pretty embarrassing intellectual argument. I'm not a fan of liberals, but did not see you cite anything from Woodward,etc. that suggested they should turn their opponents into "shark food"

    Violence begets more violence., which of course is what the far-right wing in Israel wants in order to get more votes.
