Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cash Money Contest: Predict When President Subprime McCaddy Gets His 100th Round of Golf In

The invaluable Keith Koffler at White House Dossier tells us that President Obama has hit the links a record 92 times during his first three years in office.

In recognition of this monumental achievement, we're offering a $25 cash prize (paid via PayPal) to the person who comes closest to guessing the date of Obama's 100th round of golf.

So have at it in the comments. Along with your guestimated date, you can also include a caption for the accompanying photo, which we'll use as the tie-breaker.


  1. 100th round will be May 30th.

    Caption: Bill to Bo......
    "Watch the sand-trap on the left, it's a real bitch. But the fairway is as smooth as Monica's backside, man!

  2. Anonymous8:11 PM

    100th round will be on April 1st!

    "Did I tell ya the one about the ball-washer?"

    Sneaky Pete

  3. 100th round on Feb 10.

    "Y'know Barry, you could try screwing an intern instead of the entire country."

  4. "Here...put my putter away and get my driver out for the next tee. Oh, and could you make me a sammich. A little faster if you can stand it! (mutters) "fifty bucks and this is what I get for caddy?"

  5. Anonymous8:40 PM


    Caption: "Sure you can win another term but the only problem Barak, is that you'll need to leave the country afterwards before the survivors hang you."

    100th round will be March 26, 2012

  6. CNewman8:47 PM

    100th Round will be on Super Tuesday.

  7. 100th round of taxpayer funded golf will come on April 2nd.

  8. seagypsy8:53 PM

    April 8th. Easter

  9. 20 Feb, which is now known as dead white Presidents day.

  10. March 15. Caesar! Beware the Ides of March!

  11. jhstuart5:39 AM

    May 5th

  12. Anonymous9:48 AM

    April 15th tax day!
    Gordon Gekko

  13. Anonymous10:29 AM

    March 17th, all Irishmen play golf
    on that day right?

  14. Michael12:18 PM

    100th round on golf will be on Easter, April 8th. Who's got time for church!

    O: Bill, when I first started playing, if you told me I'd shoot a 100 in only 3 years, I'd have laughed.
    Bill: O, you rock!

  15. Anonymous1:57 PM

    100th round will be April 24, 2012

    -Nebraska Girl

  16. Obama's 100th round will take place on Sunday afternoon, 3/11/2012.

  17. Obama's 100th round of golf will occur on March 31, 2012.
