Monday, January 16, 2012

Marco Rubio's awesome letter to Barack Obama: America deserves honest leaders, i.e., not you

My gosh, this Marco Rubio is one impressive statesman.

We only need about 66 more senators like him and we'll be well on our way to saving this republic.


  1. What a brave and honest letter. I really wish Rubio would have run for President this year.

  2. Anonymous8:40 PM

    A good man !!

  3. Anonymous12:46 AM

    He couldn't have said it better. We wouldn't be in all this trouble if the rest of our leaders were like Rubio.
    Unfortunately, this letter is beyond Obama's comprehension.

  4. It's a great letter, but he neglected to mention one crucial detail: at the time of the last debt ceiling increase, we were told that Congress had to approve the debt ceiling by the asked-for amount so that there wouldn't be a need for another increase before the next election. Well, we can see how well that worked out.
