Friday, January 27, 2012

The numbers do not lie -- although it's possible they're racist

I love how these inside-the-Beltway hacks say that Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum "can't win" against Obama. The numbers say different. Obama got 52.7% of the vote as a messianic, post-partisan, post-racial and completely unknown quantity. Now we know he's not a messiah, he's highly partisan, he's also willing to divide Americans along racial, ethnic, income and any other lines he can come up with to dredge up votes, and he is a highly known quantity, which is to say a SCOAMF.

Following President Barack Obama’s self-congratulatory State of the Union address, Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, produced a simple chart that tells the real story of the Obama administration:

America Before President Obama Took Office and Now





Number of Unemployed1

12.0 Million

13.1 Million


Long-Term Unemployed2

2.7 Million

5.6 Million


Unemployment Rate3




“High Unemployment” States4




Misery Index5




Price of Gas6




“Typical” Monthly Family Food Cost7




Median Value of Single-Family Home8




Rate of Mortgage Delinquencies9




U.S. National Debt10

$10.6 Trillion

$15.2 Trillion


For more, and for references, visit the House Ways and Means Committee website here.

Shhh... no one tell Leonard Pitts.

1 comment:

  1. Robert10:11 PM

    those number ARE racist! anything and everyone and everything that disagrees with Barack Ogabe is racist!

    hey this smear thing is kinda fun!

    But when applied to DemoNazis, it's not a smear, it's the truth. hey DemoNazis, you are Racists! anything you ever say against a conservative is Racist! RAAAAACIST DemoNazis,, the most racist people on Earth, obsessed with race in everything they do.
