Sunday, February 12, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Rick Santorum Takes National Lead In PPP Poll By 15

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GOP Primary

Rick Santorum Takes National Lead In PPP Poll By 15: Ace
Romney Wins CPAC Straw Poll: WZ
Santorum takes national lead over Romney: Politico

Consultant in Chief: Reason
Marco Rubio wins CPAC 2012 Vice President straw poll: FAM
Romney beats Paul to win the Maine Caucuses: Scoop


Gutting the Bill of Rights, one Amendment at a time: AT
Good. And. Hard: Cold Fury
New Yorkers paid to commit vote fraud: Publius

Barack Obama, Money Machine: Power Line
Muslims Exempt From ObamaCare?: MB
Allen West Responds to Being Called a ‘Coward’: Shark

The Church Rejects Obama’s Birth Control Deal: Dossier
Washington Still Flunks Education After So Many Years: IBD
Rahm Exposes Obama's Intentions: Radical Gun Control: GWP


Democrats Failure To Pass Budget Is Illegal: IBD
Do These Numbers Make My Deficit Look Fat?: Mead
Obama economic plan making more people move back in with their parents: NakedDC

Walker's courageous conservatism: Exam
Poll: Minnesota voters support right to work… 55/24: Hot Air
Obama To Pitch Lower Corporate Tax Rate Sometime In The Future: Cove

Scandal Central

Friday Night "Fast & Furious" Document Dump, and Obama's Great Compromise: Ace
Sheriff Paul Babeau: Fast and Furious scandal is far from over: Hot Air
Half of illegal-immigrant arrests in Frederick for traffic offenses: Exam

Climate & Energy

Keystone XL oil going to China: IBD
Why is GM Spending Millions to Re-Hype the Chevy Volt?: NLPC
UN Bosses Secretly Plot Global Govt Through “Green Economy" for Rio+20: NewAm

Thanks Barack… Three West Virginia Coal Plants to Close: GWP
Obama-Volt 2012!
Pseudo-Science Laid Bare: Cold Fury


Hating Breitbart: ConTreehouse
Picture of Obama and his Ex: Blogmocracy
Top Leftist Blog: Obama Must Quash Religious Freedom to Save Earth From Global Warming: GWP

Krauthammer: Israel ‘will strike’ Iran to ‘prevent a second holocaust’: DC
Pew: Record High 67% See Political Bias in News Media: NB
Santorum Nomination ‘Completely Terrifies’ Economist Magazine’s Economics Editor: NB

Drip, drip, drip…the sound of our liberty leaking away: Dewey
Great Minds Must Think Alike?: HyScience
The Hot Air Santorum interview: Hot Air


Report: Interpol Helps Saudis Arrest Journalist in Malaysia for Insulting Mohammed: McCarthy
The firm that hijacked the NHS: DailyMail
Schaeuble warns Greek promises no longer suffice: Reuters


Instead of Marketing, Businesses Should Use Social Media for Customer Support: Insider
Using iPad as...: The Cleverest
Apple seeks U.S. ban on Galaxy Nexus: CNet


Historic Facepalm: The Tacky O’s Tour of the White House: MB
Earliest manuscript of the New Testament discovered?: Wintery Knight
What Fresh Hell is This?: MOTUS

Whitney Houston Dead at 48... Last Known Photos of Whitney... Bobby Brown Sobs on Stage: GWP
Wasted Youth: BS Footprint
"Facebook Parenting:" 3 Days, 15 Million Views, 100,000 Comments: AmDigest

Image: Facebook Parenting
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "From running up trillions in debt and deficit, to the vast expansion of the size and scope of federal bureaucracy, Mr. Obama has done more in three years to supplant our 236 year-old Constitutional Republic with a Euro-style socialist autocracy – than a lesser Marxist could have accomplished in a lifetime.

But controlling the purse strings is not nearly enough. A central element of full-blown secular-socialism is the suppression of religious liberty – principally, freedom of conscience.

Karl Marx once said: “The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.”

When Karl Marx speaks, Barack Obama listens." --J. Matt Barber

1 comment:


    Pop quiz: Which Republican presidential candidate supported the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor? —

    Hint: It's the same one who endorsed a pro-abortion-rights presidential candidate in an earlier campaign.

    When Bill Clinton picked Sotomayor in June 1997, many conservatives believed her confirmation would put her in a fast track to the Supreme Court. The Wall Street Journal editorial called her a liberal judicial activist. Rush Limbaugh said Clinton was putting her on a rocket ship to the Supreme Court. A vote to confirm her to the Circuit Court, many Republicans believed, would make it hard to vote against her if she was nominated to the Supreme Court.
    Republicans, led by Majority Leader Trent Lott, delayed Sotomayor’s confirmation vote for more than a year. When the vote finally happened, 29 Republicans — including most conservative stalwarts like Mitch McConnell, Phil Gramm, Jon Kyl and even John McCain — voted no.

    Santorum joined every Democrat in the Senate and 24 other Republicans in voting yes.


