Thursday, March 08, 2012

Crowd-sourcing Derrick Bell

Who is Derrick Bell? Given Barack Obama's endorsement of Bell's radical and bizarre views, I thought it worthwhile to research his background.

One of the more interesting items I found is a an article in the Boston College Law Review, published on 1 May 1999. Authored by Jeffrey J. Pyl, its title is Race, Equality and the Rule of Law: Critical Race Theory's Attack on the Promises of Liberalism (PDF).

Take a look. Let me know what you think, either in the comments or privately via email.

Bell was a dangerous brand of crackpot, roughly equivalent to a black David Duke, only more extreme. Obama's devotion to Bell offers us another puzzle piece of a rapidly emerging picture. And the complete image will be assembled by all of us -- an Army of Breitbarts -- who have effectively replaced an old media too crippled by ideology, intellectual dishonesty and stupidity to do any useful work whatsoever.



  2. Headline guy11:17 PM

    Breitbart's team is doing great work, but I wish they'd put more thought into their headlines. Some of the headlines are over the top rhetoric, leaving them open to attack.


    as head og the local naacp, derrick defended elijad muhammad in pittsburgh

  4. betchya there's a lot in here - and i recommend asking david horowitz to weigh ion:

    Book Description
    Publication Date: September 1999
    Ideological hatred of whites is now a growth industry, boosted by "civil rights" activists and liberal academics. These once-youthful radicals, now entrenched in positions of power and influence, peddle a warmed-over version of the Marxist creed that supported the communist empire and excuses intolerance to the point of murder. Betraying the legacy of Martin Luther King, this unholy alliance of black civil rights leaders and white radicals threatens to undermine America's moral, political, and economic institutions.

    Taking on U.S. race relations and claiming that "anti-white racism" has become intrinsic to the black civil rights movement and "common currency of the 'progressive' intelligentsia," he launches an all-out attack that is almost comical in its single-mindedness. He documents Louis Farrakhan's controversial and contested statements attacking white European and American culture and politics; goes after Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison, "whose boundless suspicions of white Americans amount to a demonization as intense as Elijah Muhammad's"; and characterizes Harvard Law School professor Derrick Bell as a "black racist" and a "product of the Communist left."

  5. front page today:
